Anyone know what helix this is?? After some reading I believe it is a maxx performance helix for for slp piped viper...just wondering if someone can confirm this. I've read it's 38/32 but that doesn't sound right. Any help would be appreciated.
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I cannot find anything on it. Give Pioneer Performance a call and talk to the owner. Bruce is his name and was with Maxx when they were in operation. He might have the angles in his old notes.
Ok thanks. I have been reading like crazy and I've found a few guys that want to know about this thing. I will give them a shout thanks again mate.
Can you take a picture next to a known helix and post it, these guys can eyeball it and get you close
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I found it on a Googled search. Typed in 7vp2 helix viper and there's a post here on TY. But I cannot copy the link. It's in the archives, mabey that's the reason. It's from January 3, 2007.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
At the bottom of the Google screen(after you type that stuff in), there is something about showing the sh!t that they omitted. Click that.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Look under the Members list. Go to the 2nd page on the Ts & look up member .... taped throttle. Then go to...view started posts.
I talked to Bruce at pioneer and he said that its an 02 viper helix but that its before his time with Max perf. I found the thread your talking about and the guy says its a 38/32 peice of junk...just didn't think that sounded right...I will measure it and post
On Maxx Helix's the number should be on the inside of the helix. push the collar out and the numbers should be inside the helix.
On Maxx Helix's the number should be on the inside of the helix. push the collar out and the numbers should be inside the helix.
There's no numbers under the bushing. I measured it and got 40/32. What the hell would that be for...seems pretty shallow to me