vipers doeing exact same i know been alot of threads on this but 0 rub through, went through the whole harness,second replaced stator with brand spanking new oem from yamaha,dash resets itself when i grab the brake,acts like a ground problem ,or is their another thing i should look at?have a second viper that does the opposite i grab the brake and the dash finally stays on and works i release the brake keeps resetting itself so idk if its throwing a code stumped..
Did you remove the under engine wire harness and untape to do the inspection? There are other areas to look for rub-throughs (i.e. under the bar pad, behind the cowl covers). Sure sounds like a rub-through... somewhere. A detailed visual inspection is critical.
Active member
Look at the one under the tank
New member
had this issue on one of my vipers and it drove me nuts. removed the seat looking for a rub through and started the sled to move it and whala no issue when i grabbed the brake ! found one of the tail lights grounded out causeing the short. replaced the tail lights problem solved. added electronic grease the the sockets when installed new bulbs to prevent them from shorting in the future. something to try and see if it helps. electrical issues can be fun at times .
yes sno was a fresh build so i went through it before i installed the harness back in it,good idea house ill look,thanks guys for the help!!i may unplug everything i can and start from there, should at least narrow it down for me a bit ,must tell ya harness was off an 04 es,now i modded the motor and added pipes so the electric start setup is still in the harness but is not hooked to the motor and i got rid of the heated hand grips,from the e start it left a wire that has 2 hot and a ground with a plug harness going no where and a fuse box with idk in it-might be my problem idk,just wanted to make sure relays r voltage reg could go bad or if anyone had ever had issues!!!thanks smoke
I am not any kind of expert, but you say that when you grab the brake, the dash resets itself... I would think that the brake has a simple off/on/off type of switch that would send the 12V DC through to the brake light. Now If your dash resets after you squeeze the brake light, It would seem to me like there is a wire crossed up somewhere along the line. If the wiring harness is stock and un molested, I would look at the bulb in the taillight. I had a truck that would pop fuses every time I pressed the brake, I tore the truck basically apart looking for pinched,shorted,burnt,chewed through wires and found nothing,, replaced all the bulbs,,, went away.
PoPPin600;659683snip said:Good point. I too have seen the filiment break in an 1157 bulb, double up and land onto the ground post causing a short that draws more current than the fuse can handle.
Another thought - Based on what I've read here about e-start Vipers, the battery acts as a capacitor and those sleds will act goofy without a battery.
Good luck.

I think you hit it there. Estart harness needs the battery hooked upGood point. I too have seen the filiment break in an 1157 bulb, double up and land onto the ground post causing a short that draws more current than the fuse can handle.
Another thought - Based on what I've read here about e-start Vipers, the battery acts as a capacitor and those sleds will act goofy without a battery.
Good luck.
These guys are right, the elec start harness does NOT have the smoothing condensers in it and the battery takes thier place, so if you have that harness in a non e- start sled, you need to add the smoothing condensrs to the harness again, they are the little black tubular looking items, theres 2 of them that plug in.