Fuel screw


New member
Sep 17, 2014
I just put a new top end in my srx and i was told to turn the fuel screw out to 1 5/8. When i started her up cold she just went to 1600 instead of reving up and dropping back. Is this the way the sled should start on a cold start. Thanks
Depending on choke position, actual temp etc. it may not idle high like you are thinking it should. Not sure where you are but in Michigan today it was almost 70°,not exactly a cold start.More starts will tell. If your motor is stock you should be ok at 1-5/8,I have run mine as high as 2 turns out to get rid of idle hang. I guess to be more specific the sled would normally idle higher when engine is cold with choke on, then idle down when you flip off choke.
