Need some help


New member
Jan 25, 2005
Hey i have a 1994 yamaha vmax 600 and i just took the suspension out changed almost every bearing in it and put a new shock and spring on the rear and got everything back in then i was bolting up the things that hold the suspension to the sled and got all of the bolt in but the front 2.......Let me tell u i have been going crazy trying to get these in because all of the boths and pretty much the whole project was a total bitch and everything was hard to take apart and put back together so its getting real old working on this thing and not being able to ride. So i got every bolt in but the front 2 and i have the sled hanging in the air, i tried it on it side and pulling as hard as i can and having some1 esle trying to line it up and i cant even get the shaft close to the holes where it lines up. Does anyone know an easy way to get the shaft to line up where it needs to so i can throw the bolt on each side in and hit the trails. Any help would be appreciated.
