Viper head cc size


Dec 9, 2012
Can some plz explain cylinder head cc size. I mean what it effects or does. Four instance a 22 cc head with .055 squish clearance. And a 25 cc with same clearance with a aftermarket head. Is one better then the other? More power ? I know for pump gas u don't want to go less then .055. But what about cc. Thanks
stock head was staggered to keep the pto side cool,think it was 21 21 24 so if your gonna change it ,more compression domes or any aftermarket add on is gonna be more heat,and coolant flow wasnt good on the viper, i know i still have 2 vipers i just built one with mods,use a srx base gasket and 2000 or newer rear heat exchanger,my personal opinion for a viper is my stock machine use turks clutch setup,im running a bender 51/43 helix and green spring on a 70 wrap it reallly wakes up the viper also depends on the amount of boost your trying to get out of it,my speedworx head has all 21 cc domes so its even pressure but i added slp triple pipes.if you added a opticool head gasket and the srx base gasket and the rear heat exchanger you could add pipes useing stock head,stock viper head gaskets are 3 gaskets in one take one out,add a srx rear heat exchanger,do turks setup for clutching,run high octane gas 91 or higher start there youll like it,will it smoke a good srx -no but good backshift and alot of pull in the trail,off the line and top end,my stock single piped viper can stay ahead of my srx for 600 ft after that c-ya my piped viper idk yet i just built it so i hope it can beat a stock srx ill find out!!!
