Aaen pipes- jetting


Oct 19, 2013
I have been trying to contact Mopar1rules about this, but i guess he hasnt been on in a while. Any ways i have searched his past post and threads and could find the set up but he stated he had one. Does any body else have any recommendations for jetting. Right now i have 45 pilots, fuel screws 2.5 turns out, 150 straight across and needles in 3.5 position. Any input would be great.

Call aaen they will tell you heard they had good customer service
I just got off the phone with them. Lol they said to just go up 2 main jet sizes from stock and it will be set. I was talking to a lady and she was from parts cause there was no one else their.
I have a redhead 700 with Aaen's and they told me to just go up one jet size. Don't know if that helps you or not, but you need to start somewhere. Just go up two sizes and check plugs. Did you look in the tech section?
This is for a SX viper. Stock engine, just srx rear cooler and opticool head gasket. Maybe start off with 160 PTO and center. 162.5 on mag side. What about needles?
I have been trying to contact Mopar1rules about this, but i guess he hasnt been on in a while. Any ways i have searched his past post and threads and could find the set up but he stated he had one. Does any body else have any recommendations for jetting. Right now i have 45 pilots, fuel screws 2.5 turns out, 150 straight across and needles in 3.5 position. Any input would be great.

No one likes to recommend jetting specs on nonstock setups as mods/riding conditions/fuel, ect vary so much that one sleds jetting is rarely the same as another sleds needs.


Your 150 mains are WAY leaner then the stock mains and would only be close to useable if you had the carb vent lines removed from the airbox and left hanging free like the stock SRX setup.

yea i have it vented to atmosphere. I am only looking for a starter too btw slideshowbob. I will go through the circuits for sure when winter comes.
