how to remove sticker residue


Jul 24, 2012
Central Iowa
I removed all the stickers from the viper and im having difficulty getting the rest of the residue off. I have tried goo gone but it doesnt do the trick. Any suggestions on what else to try?
3m makes an adhesive remover...check local hardware
Lacquer thinner works great dont get it on anything plastic like windshields or your headlight, it kinda melts it/makes it dull looking. I try and use paint thinner most of the time as it's not so hard on it it.
Try hot water. Removed a sticker from my windshield. Pour it on and scrub. Will take a little effort. Scratch it off with an old bank card or hotel room key card.Do not use a metal edge.
wd40 works good, spray it on leave it on for about a half hour, wipes off pretty easy and it will not hurt plastic or paint surfaces. if you get a stubborn part keep spraying it on and leave it, dont wipe it off and it will break down the glue.
wd40 works good, spray it on leave it on for about a half hour, wipes off pretty easy and it will not hurt plastic or paint surfaces. if you get a stubborn part keep spraying it on and leave it, dont wipe it off and it will break down the glue.

X2. That's all I have ever used. Works very good.
I removed all the stickers from the viper and im having difficulty getting the rest of the residue off. I have tried goo gone but it doesnt do the trick. Any suggestions on what else to try?

PPG DX330 is available in a qt or gallon at most automotive paint stores (the ones that sell PPG anyway). It will remove the glue/residue in seconds..without hurting the plastic...pretty much wipe on/wipe off.
