I removed all the stickers from the viper and im having difficulty getting the rest of the residue off. I have tried goo gone but it doesnt do the trick. Any suggestions on what else to try?
3m makes an adhesive remover...check local hardware

I just use lacquer thinner
Active member
Lacquer thinner works great dont get it on anything plastic like windshields or your headlight, it kinda melts it/makes it dull looking. I try and use paint thinner most of the time as it's not so hard on it it.
Try hot water. Removed a sticker from my windshield. Pour it on and scrub. Will take a little effort. Scratch it off with an old bank card or hotel room key card.Do not use a metal edge.
Great. Thanks I will give those a try today.
wd40 works good, spray it on leave it on for about a half hour, wipes off pretty easy and it will not hurt plastic or paint surfaces. if you get a stubborn part keep spraying it on and leave it, dont wipe it off and it will break down the glue.
I always end up using lighter fluid applied to a rag if heat does not remove it.
New member
wd40 works good, spray it on leave it on for about a half hour, wipes off pretty easy and it will not hurt plastic or paint surfaces. if you get a stubborn part keep spraying it on and leave it, dont wipe it off and it will break down the glue.
X2. That's all I have ever used. Works very good.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I'll soak a paper towel down with wd and let it sit overnight on the problem.
wd40 or brake cleaner works.
Downy fabric softner or wd-40 depends on what I am applying it on.
I removed all the stickers from the viper and im having difficulty getting the rest of the residue off. I have tried goo gone but it doesnt do the trick. Any suggestions on what else to try?
PPG DX330 is available in a qt or gallon at most automotive paint stores (the ones that sell PPG anyway). It will remove the glue/residue in seconds..without hurting the plastic...pretty much wipe on/wipe off.
New member
Sounds crazy but gas works awsome
New member
Wd-40 works great.
heat the residue with a hair dryer or carefully with a heat gun. Turn off heat source, and apply WD. And scrub off with wrag.
heat the residue with a hair dryer or carefully with a heat gun. Turn off heat source, and apply WD. And scrub off with wrag.