Srx Heelclicker cluthing?


Lifetime Member
Apr 15, 2012
Ballston Spa
Alright guys. I finally put together a Heel clicker setup in a spare clutch. What can I expect from it? I have 5G in the heel and 5G in the tip for starter point. Red HC spring. I will be running a multiple of secondary's for testing. 1st is a Super torque secondary roller with a 48/36 I think helix will have to look later this weekend green or silver spring for testing. also have a hauck roller with a 48/40 helix not sure what brand. looks like a stock helix. Also going to try the 48/40 on a stock secondary green spring at 60-70. So far engagement is about 4200-4300. What have you guys had good luck with? I know its a while away but will post results when we get snow. Or my itchy thumb gets the twitch to run acrossed the grass......:lol:
i think that all looks good. you should have no problem fine tuneing this for a good all around set-up. thats pretty much what i did for start, but need more engagement for racing. i also used stock secondary. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Thats what I'm looking for is an all around setup. But I don't want to be the last one across the lake either. And I know I can't have the best of both but I'm going to try like heck.... Thanks yammie3:16 ( tony )
biggest problem is going to be the roller sec clutch and that helix, its too will upshift like a 52-53 angle start.

a roller sec.will add about 4-5 degrees to the start of a helix from the friction loss of the rollers so it will upshift too fast with starting off with a 48 degree start angle, unless you run a super strong sec spring. Then when you can hang onto the belt on the upshift the sec clutch will want to backshift too fast because its torq. sensing and has too much spring pressure to hold back the upshift..... a double bladed sword if you will.

I set up a few guys sleds with the h/c roller secs and the 40-10 weights, ended up using a small straight angle helix such as a 38 or 39 degree. I would go with a much smaller helix if your going to use a roller sec. clutch. That 48/36 would work well with a standard button sec. clutch but your too light on the tip weight, youll need around 6-7 grams to be at 8500rpm and a 36 degree finish with green spring at 70.
I should also add that if you were using weights other then h/c's you might get away with that set up you posted for the sec. clutchs/helix combo's. The helix would be more aggressive to a less aggressive primary weight, for example: the stock 8dn20's.
But h/c are a very aggressive upshift primary weight so its already loaded fast and hard from the front clutch, the helix doing the same thing fast and hard upshift will just make the sled fall on its face for a good distance till it can recover from the overshift which by the time that happens the guy on the 340 enticer has already passed you!
I should also add that if you were using weights other then h/c's you might get away with that set up you posted for thwithoutc. clutchs/helix combo's. The helix would be more aggressive to a less aggressive primary weight, for example: the stock 8dn20's.
But h/c are a very aggressive upshift primary weight so its already loaded fast and hard from the front clutch, the helix doing the same thing fast and hard upshift will just make the sled fall on its face for a good distance till it can recover from the overshift which by the time that happens the guy on the 340 enticer has already passed you!

That would be I also have a set of 8BU10 to play with. But back on task. That 48/36 is a super torque secondary setup. Unable to run without that clutch. I could run the 48/40 with a green spring. Thanks for the info guys.
Rb where are you testing around here. Just brought 4 of my junks down

I test up on the Sacandaga Lake. But in Malta you can test on Saratoga Lake just need to watch out for the springs that run in there. Usually takes a while for that lake to become solid. Up north they have a ice strip plowed for drags. Not the best after the big boys dig it up but it's all ice. I would say about 1200 feet or so.
biggest problem is going to be the roller sec clutch and that helix, its too will upshift like a 52-53 angle start.

a roller sec.will add about 4-5 degrees to the start of a helix from the friction loss of the rollers so it will upshift too fast with starting off with a 48 degree start angle, unless you run a super strong sec spring. Then when you can hang onto the belt on the upshift the sec clutch will want to backshift too fast because its torq. sensing and has too much spring pressure to hold back the upshift..... a double bladed sword if you will.

I set up a few guys sleds with the h/c roller secs and the 40-10 weights, ended up using a small straight angle helix such as a 38 or 39 degree. I would go with a much smaller helix if your going to use a roller sec. clutch. That 48/36 would work well with a standard button sec. clutch but your too light on the tip weight, youll need around 6-7 grams to be at 8500rpm and a 36 degree finish with green spring at 70.

rb2001 and I are working together and I have a Dalton 50/40 I see in the tech pages turk has a setup with that helix. should we get a 48/36 in Dalton or will the 50/40 work as good with alittle less tip weight
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rb2001 and I are working together and I have a Dalton 50/40 I see in the tech pages turk has a setup with that helix. should we get a 48/36 in Dalton or will the 50/40 work as good with alittle less tip weight

the 50/40 will work good in a srx youll need around 5-5.5 grams in the tip depending on the rest of the sleds set up.

50/40 is my "go to" helix thats where I start with most sleds, its a good one.
the 50/40 will work good in a srx youll need around 5-5.5 grams in the tip depending on the rest of the sleds set up.

50/40 is my "go to" helix thats where I start with most sleds, its a good one.

thanks for saving me the $ I was just getting ready to order that helix and thanks for the help, u and a few others really should get paid for all the help u guys give.
Here is my set up, which is good for overall trail riding and chasing top speeds (not best at both but pretty good):
Gearing: 22/38
Primary: HC 40-10 with:
5,2 grams in heel (because they are ground to not to hit the rollers at backshift).
15,6 mm rollers.
6,9 grams in tip (achieved with ground nut on the opposite side, checked so it won't hit the walls of the spider pockets
Red Heelcliker spring.

Secondary: Dalton 50/40
Red Hauck spring @70 deg wound in Hauck style (which winds up different than the stock spring).

I have traction issues going from turn to turn
Top speed observed on speedo is 203 km/h (126 mph).
Top speed observed on contour gps is 188,7 (117,2 mph).
Jetting is fatter than stock.
Camoplast Hacksaw 1'' track.
Good luck.
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Here is my set up, which is good for overall trail riding and chasing top speeds (not best at both but pretty good):
Gearing: 22/38
Primary: HC 40-10 with:
5,2 grams in heel (because they are ground to not to hit the rollers at backshift).
15,6 mm rollers.
6,9 grams in tip (achieved with ground nut on the opposite side, checked so it won't hit the walls of the spider pockets
Red Heelcliker spring.

Secondary: Dalton 50/40
Red Hauck spring @70 deg wound in Hauck style (which winds up different than the stock spring).

I have traction issues going from turn to turn
Top speed observed on speedo is 203 km/h (126 mph).
Top speed observed on contour gps is 188,7 (117,2 mph).
Jetting is fatter than stock.
Camoplast Hacksaw 1'' track.
Good luck.

Thanks for the setup. I too have a 1" Hacksaw. Going to be putting in 42.5 pilots when I clean the carbs. The only thing i'm having an issue with so far is I NEED SNOW....:o| How long of a stretch did it take to hit 117 on GPS?
Okay I just hit a wall tonight. I know there is no load on the motor and still a little warm out but I'm getting the itch.. I had put the secondary on the sled tonight and tried it on the stand. And I know that there is no resistance on the sled but man did it rock that stand. Only thing is it popped a belt. I think 2 things caused it. Not enough weight in the primary and not enough wrap on the back clutch. Unsure of he wrap will find out later. I have to research the cap for numbers. Mine are missing. But has a red spring. I'm guessing I need a green or silver. I found a post for the setup and it wants a lot more weight then I have in there. 4.2 heel 6.3 mid and tip. I would guess that is for a roller setup and a non roller would be different? Another thing I noticed was with a button 48-40 helix it was not have as much torque. Test and tune Test and tune. I know I don't want to keep buying Also the roller helix is a 42/34. If I remember that shifts out like a 52/44 I think. Could be wrong. Not the first time. LOL.

So this is what is in it now.
HC red
weights 5 in heel and tip only Mid empty
secondary 42/34 roller
wrap at 60 Red spring More then likely my issue? Need more wrap
stock jetting for now.
carbon fiber reeds
stock exhaust.
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