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hi guys i got heelclicker weights to put in this year but not sure were or what kind of 15mm rollers to buy thanks guys
New member
The 2000 SRX700 has 15mm rollers. Not sure where the best place to order from would be though.
The 2000 SRX700 has 15mm rollers. Not sure where the best place to order from would be though.
the only year srx700 that used 15mm rollers was 1999, all the other years 1998,2000,2001,2002 have used the 15.6mm rollers.
In general..you can use either 15mm or the more common 15.6mm in your viper with heel clickers.
15mm rollers-8cr-17624-10-00
15.6mm rollers-8cr-17624-20-00
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New member
thanks mr viper if i use the 15.6mm will i have to shave down the washer on the shoulder for clearance or will they clear the roller
New member
thanks mr viper if i use the 15.6mm will i have to shave down the washer on the shoulder for clearance or will they clear the roller
some touch, some dont, theres no real tolerance on the washers so thats why it varies, youll just have to check when you install them.
New member
Is there a big difference in engagement rpm's between the 15mm and 15.6? Or can that be played with by adding/subtracting heel weight to a certain degree?
the differance between 15 mm to 15.6mm isnt huge as far as engagement speed and shift rpm,but going from 14.5mm to 15.6mm is fairly large. The rollers will raise your engaement and also your shift rpm speed,which allows you to add weight to the clutch weights and use a bigger more aggressive helix.
This is where alot of times guys complain the heel clicker set ups are not working as given out but they didnt bother to change the rollers on a viper. The 14.5mm stock rollers are just a little too radical to use, hard to hook up as its too aggressive. Youll find alot of trenching in deep snow and way too much track spin everywhere else in between and you go slower and overshift due to the excessive spinning. The rpm is lower because it makes the weight act even more aggressive with the smaller roller diameter overloading the engine.
This is where alot of times guys complain the heel clicker set ups are not working as given out but they didnt bother to change the rollers on a viper. The 14.5mm stock rollers are just a little too radical to use, hard to hook up as its too aggressive. Youll find alot of trenching in deep snow and way too much track spin everywhere else in between and you go slower and overshift due to the excessive spinning. The rpm is lower because it makes the weight act even more aggressive with the smaller roller diameter overloading the engine.
New member
Thanks Don! Excellent info as always!
I had to shave the washers some, but really, that is pretty easy, just look closely and try closing and opening and closing the clutch so yuo'll see what happens. When you tighten, make sure the washers don't get turned around, the shaved/ground part should always face the rollers. On an SRX without studs, I have traction issues, even with 15,6 rollers. Good luck. By the way, my V-belt seems to last longer with a HC set up.
New member
thanks alot guys im going to order some 15 mill rollers tomorrow i have a 46 36 hauck helix any suggestions on a starting point for weight on the heelclickers
try 4-5 grams in the heel, 3.3 middle and 4.3 tip weight, your hauck 46/36 helix with stock red dot sec spring at 90 twist. stock 22/38 gearing.