SRX lower chaincase gear....... bolt & washer


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I don't know if this is common or not but has anyone else had the washer on the bottom gear retaining bolt compress in from being torqued on and then crack over time?

I had kind of forgot about this but when I first got my 01 SRX and was going through it I pulled the chaincase apart,naturally, and when I took the gears off I noticed the washer on the lower gear bolt had 2 or 3 cracks in it from where it had been tightened on. Perhaps it was a case if the previous owner over torquing the bolt I'm not sure,but the gear itself is made with a slight depression where the washer would come up against. To me this would lead to having the washer compress in and eventually crack and then all sorts of bad things would/ could happen.
I've never seen the washer crack but I had the head of the bolt snap off on mine from being over torqued. That did some damage!!
I thought maybe I had a different brand sprocket on the bottom,I think I read somewhere that Polaris gears will fit,but from the pictures of the correct Yamaha bottom gears I've seen seem to be the same as the one on my sled.
I just took my 01 srx apart to put in reverse and the washer was about to split in half
