I picked up a set of heel clicker pretty cheap and I was going through my helixes on the shelf. I thought this 45/37 was going to be my best option to keep the RPM's up on shift.
What springs can I put in the primary and secondary to make this work?
What springs can I put in the primary and secondary to make this work?
With some tuning, you can make this work. I've never seen anyone recommend the gray spring, so I guess the red HC is the way to go. Then, def. yamaha green spring in secondary @ at least 70 deg. Adjust the rest with the weights. I recommend putting alot of weight on the heel, to get a decent engagement rpm, (4200-4300) like 5 grams. Then, the rest I would put on the tip, I think I would start with 5 grams, it might overrev some.
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Mr. Viper gave me a heel clickers recipe a few years back and it was bang on the first time I took the sled out....give him a pm
I'm using clickers in my 98 and the settings I got were from Turk.I have a 50/39 helix in it and it seems to pull really well,with the shallower one your going to use you will most likely have to load the tip up.I think I'm running something like 3.6g if I remember right so you'll be heavier for your setup.
Ill try it out. Ill try it loaded at the heel and tips first