Viper top end melt down


New member
Dec 6, 2004
Dakota, IL
Ok so I pulled a stupid move and forgot to connect the cooling line back up to the daughters 04 viper after cleaning the carbs..... Brilliant right. Anyway would it be better to get a set of used cylinders and pistons or get these fixed? I have not pulled it apart yet. Thoughts?
Check around your area. It's usually about the same price to get them re-plated as it is to just exchange your old cylinder for a re-plated one. Usually about 300$ per cyl where I live after core charge. Most places give you 100$ for a ****ed cyl. Quicker and easier to find a place that exchanges them. Just make for sure there are no cracks anywhere. Have a good look at them. As long as they are stock bore you won't have a problem. Also double check the actual nikasil is scored. Sometimes and I say "sometimes" you can get the aluminum off the cylinder wall with some acid and then give it a hone. There is a thread on here on which acid to use. Another way would be to get used cylinders probably about 150 or so for a good used cyl with piston but you won't know what your getting...
Ok so I pulled a stupid move and forgot to connect the cooling line back up to the daughters 04 viper after cleaning the carbs..... Brilliant right. Anyway would it be better to get a set of used cylinders and pistons or get these fixed? I have not pulled it apart yet. Thoughts?

The answer is dependent on what damage you have and you won't know that until you tear it apart.
Muriatic acid is what you will need to clean the aluminum off the bore. I hope your luckier than I've ever been because whenever a Yamaha piston went in my SRX I was never lucky enough to get away with just cleaning it up,it usually scored the cylinder bore. It's funny though, the Weiscos that were in my 01 SRX , I had stuck a couple last year and it ruined the piston but the cylinder cleaned up with acid. I guess the OEM pistons are tougher,not to mention made with a different method. Powder metal forging or some such thing?
Maybe there is some hard shit in the oem castings God knows what they put in the mix...sand and **** knows what else. Forged wiseco pistons are "probably" more pure aluminum...softer than nikasil. Id say its the ring that scores it when she gets over heated. Just a bunch of stupid theories who knows haha wisecos are more expensive than oem usually or aftermarket cast pistons...lots of options for ya just need to decide how much you wanna dish out!
