Track recommendations


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Morning all,

Its time for a new track for my 02 Viper. Im not looking to spend a ton and have narrowed it down to the following two tracks:
Camoplast Energy or hacksaw. I dont want to remove any protectors, therefore need to stay at the 1inch lug height.

I do mainly trail riding in Massachusetts (trails can get packed and boney at times) & occasional lake crossing. Dont spend a ton of time off trail, but will venture off here and there to "play" in some power

I can get the energy around $360-$380 shipped and the Hacksaw around $420 shipped.

Also if anyone knows of someone that can beat these prices, please feel free to comment

I was in the same spot as you last season. Basically the same kind of riding..... I went with the Hacksaw, clipped every window. Great track.
Dont go with the energy. Only good for a low powered sled really. Even my old phazer 2 ripped one up in a few years.
Dont go with the energy. Only good for a low powered sled really. Even my old phazer 2 ripped one up in a few years.

x2. My buddy has one on his 550 Polaris and lots of lugs ripped right off after a few years. I was originally going to go with that track until I saw the condition of his.
Its 2ply, Hacksaw 9009H. Just ordered it, $426 shipped, thought it was a decent enough deal
