snowmobile laws in michigan


Super Moderator
Sep 15, 2003
Freeland & Otsego lake, MI
With all the early snow I was wondering what are the laws concerning riding on trails before the 1st? I know between Nov 15th to the first you can ride after dusk and between 11am-2pm. But what about the trails themselves? Can we ride Orv trails and such like we normally do. Most sled trails in Gaylord are also Orv trails. The DNR website is very veage about what u can and can't do. Anyone got any insight?

Trails are closed until Dec 1. Most of them run through private property in places and those areas are normally gated till then. You're right on deer season, 11 - 2 or after dark, but imo let the hunters have the woods for those two weeks. They wait all year for this and only have two weeks to hunt. Deer season is a huge thing up here and the last thing they want to see or hear is sleds rippin up the woods during that time. I'm not taking my sled out and I live here and let me tell ya it's very tempting since we got all that snow but I'll wait, we've got all winter to ride.
Just because they're closed doesn't mean you can't ride on them, they just won't be groomed. No different than taking a quad out and last time I checked there were no restrictrions there. Better pony up for that trail sticker though!
Just because they're closed doesn't mean you can't ride on them, they just won't be groomed. No different than taking a quad out and last time I checked there were no restrictrions there. Better pony up for that trail sticker though!

I am guessing Colorado is different than Michigan. Here you can ride any ATV on ATV trails.......they catch you on any ATV on a designated snowmobile only trail before 12/1 or after 4/1 law enforcement can and most likely will write you a ticket......and as far as quads......they are supposed to have a ORV sticker.....year round.....In theory to legally ride snowmobile on ATV trail prior to 12/1 you should have an ORV sticker on it. Michigan all about collecting revenue!
