I think I got sent the wrong pistons in my parts order.I just picked up my new rings,pistons and bearings for my 01 SRX and checked the pistons on my way home yesterday;I think I got 98/99 pistons and the only reason I think this is because when I replaced the pistons in my 98 a few years back I used 01 pistons because they're factory coated,and the ones i got in my order don't have any coating on the skirts,only from the dome edge to the bottom of the ring grooves,like 3/8 of an inch the whole way around the piston.I'll admit it's been a few years and my memory isn't great but wasn't the factory coating on the 01 pistons on the skirts?I can't for the life of me remember how the ones I put in my 98 were coated,and I know for a fact I ordered 01 pistons for it and my recent order for my 01.I will have to get the part number off the box and go online to check it out.
Active member
I have 3 01 srx engines here and I cant see any coating on the skirts.
they were never coated on the skirts from yamaha only on the ringlands.
Ok well then I must've been thinking about something else,thanks for clearing that up for me guys.