Grip heater elements........ using 12vdc to heat them up


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I decided to try putting the cork I bought under the grips of my 01 SRX and just for the heck of it I ohmed out the grips and they each measured about 2.3 or so,I can't remember exactly.So I knew they were out of spec and I decided to see how they heated up and plugged a 12vdc power supply into them,the power supply isn't a regular dc power supply it's an old camcorder battery charger and it doesn't put out much current,something like .5 amp.Anyway I have a circuit breaker wired into the dc out line and when I tried to power the grips it tripped the breaker after about 3 seconds.I know the grips aren't shorted so I'm wondering why they wouldn't heat up with the outside power source.I don't have my 98 at my place or I could've tried the grips on it to see if they did the same thing.Has anyone got an idea of what's going on with these grip heaters?
why would you not just use a car battery? pop the hood of your truck any try. no clue why that would trip, how big was the breaker?
Never really considered using a battery to energize the heating elements but I will try it.As far as the breaker I'm not sure what size it is,it's been so long ago that I wired it up that I'll have to go back and look.
look like your breaker is not big enough or the grip pull to mutch amp ...or wire is to small and overheat ................just put a fuse in your circuit ..u will see if it blows before the breaker
That will be 2.3k ohms. A battery is a constant 12v so put them in series and touch the terminals for a little while and see how they do. I too corked my grips and I did a side by side comparison.... Corked side got hot a lot faster.
What PAIN getting the grip back on, that 1/16 of an inch is just enough to make it a chore to slide it back on. I ended up wrapping electrical tape from inside to out in order to get the grip to even start on the bar again otherwise it would tear the cork.
