Would you replace this head?


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I've been contemplating this all summer,since I tore the engine down last spring actually.One of the heads on my 01 SRX has some marks in the combustion chamber and a couple are deep enough to catch your fingernail in and I remember a post I had put up a few years ago about the same thing off my 98 and read about gouges in the combustion chamber causing hot spots so I thought if this one was bad enough I would just get another one and replace it.
Hopefully the pics are clear enough to see the digs in the head.IMG_20141116_145408010[1].jpgIMG_20141116_145418211[1].jpg
i wouldnt not replace it..just scuff all the line to remove the hot spot ...who could create detonation......
just take some sandpaper and rub the edges off it, it will run no differnt if you buy another head, thats only cosmetic and nobody can see it but the piston....lol
I've ran dinged up heads in sleds and dirtbikes, never had a problem with them. Like mrviper says...just smooth them out with sandpaper.
other thing is, that head in the pic has been cut so they are not stock, so if you went and got another one, it would need to be machined to match the others.
