I am trying to decide to keep my 2001 or my 2002 srx .. Both are near mint and I want to have some performance upgrades done to one of them. I know the 02 srx has the dcs but I was told by mike at bender racing that the 02 makes around 4-5 hp less than the 01? Does anyone know of any truth to this or have an opinion? Thanks guys
Active member
00-02 engines are the same, there really shouldn't be a difference in hp.
I know the 2002 are jetted leaner than the 2001 so realistically you would think they would make a little more power.. I didn't know if something with the dcs would rob a little power from the 02
I have always heard that the 2001 was a bit faster. Something to ask yammiegod tony
I am trying to decide to keep my 2001 or my 2002 srx .. Both are near mint and I want to have some performance upgrades done to one of them. I know the 02 srx has the dcs but I was told by mike at bender racing that the 02 makes around 4-5 hp less than the 01? Does anyone know of any truth to this or have an opinion? Thanks guys
With today's questionable fuel quality - I'd keep the '02 if it were my decision to make.
3g racing
New member
I always thought that the 01' was jetted leaner
Active member
01 was jetted richer than the 00 & 02
I'm hoping a few very knowledgable people can shed some light on this topic
Both motors are the exact same. Jet to 01 specs and run an octane booster. Torco or similar. You won't need the DCS

2000 to 2002 engines are the same other than jetting and dcs on the 02. I'd personally keep the 01 if you're going to do performance mods. Dcs gets finicky with mods in my experience. But that's just me
I appreciate the info guys keep it coming
I'd keep the cleaner of the 2, the couple HP difference, if any, wouldn't even be noticeable.
The funny thing is the cleaner of the 2 is the 02 but it has 2k more miles and hasn't even been started since 2006 but also has the ohlins shocks.. That's why I can't decide
Active member
the 00-01-02 are two close to call. motors are the same, like posted the 00-02 jetting is the same, 01 tad richer. hp was 143-145 area on all three. my vote is splitting hairs here. i would keep 02 because it was last srx. my favorite year the 2000. 3:16 (yammie tony)
I would do whatever it would take to keep both!!!!
I would do whatever it would take to keep both!!!!
I thought about that trust me haha
If we get enough snow I'm thinking of taking them to tug hill and running them against each other
Let's go to tug hill ! They are going to get blasted....
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Post a video for proof.