I went and replaced all my bushings in the primary clutch. bought the right bushing tool to remove and put these in. when I went to put it back together the spider seemed like it didn't want to go back on. it was hard to push down through the bushing in the movable sheave. I put Yamaha part # "s back in. do they need to be worn alittle to move easier or is this the way there suppose to be.do I need to maybe increase the relief cut? thanks for any help in advance
Yamaha bushings shouldn't need any wear in,the only time I've ever had a spider end up tight like that is if the bushing wasn't pressed in square.You say you have the proper install tool for it,I'd try pressing it out and back in again.Check to make sure there isn't any residual loctite under the bushing that might make it too tight on the spider.
thanks fourbarrel I remember awhile back u helped me and I finally got the right tool. I used a press this time and still tight. ill try cleaning around where locktight was and see if that helps. I got the right part # and i ordered from partzilla.
Believe me I know how big a pain it is to ruin a clutch bushing by not getting the right tool to press it in.I helped a bud put one in his RX 1 clutch last winter and we used a socket to hammer the old one out,which wasn't a big deal because it was worn anyway but when it came to putting the new one back in we never had anything except the socket and it didn't go well.After ruining the new bushing he had to order a new one but then took the sheave to a dealer and had it pressed in right.I hope you find the cause of the tight bushing because things like that can cause a lot of grief.
did what fourbarrel suggested cleaned off all Loctite still sticks. bushing is square. I even replaced sliders to see if that made a difference and no. im stumped the only thing I did notice is the new bushing I received from partzilla measures thicker than the old one. it should right because its new and the old one is warn out correct?