Mods for my viper and a few questions


New member
Sep 1, 2010
buffalo ny
For starters I have a 02 viper with Slp pipes and a 1.25 track.
I just picked up a 1.75x 121 back country for my Mach z 1000 and decided to sell that sled. That leaves the track and I would like to use it on the viper.
1) Do I need smaller drivers? I have 4 on the drive shaft now. I see SLP has 8" or 8 tooth. Do I only need two of them? I know I need to remove the tunnel protectors but anything else?
2) Any one know where I can get a longer braided brake line?
3) I have the Slp triples but are there any quieter pipes out there? is the benders 4x4 set up pretty good?
4) Any one have a set of ohlian shocks for sale?
5) Any one still make the head light covers?
6) Are Boyesen reed replacements a good way to go?
That is all for now. Thanks for the help!!
1) You need to remove tunnel protectors and get small cogs. 8 tooth anti-ratchet recommended.
2)RSI makes longer braided brake lines.
3)SLP pipes are probably the quietest triples out there IMO. The bender 4x4 is a great alternative if you don't wanna fuss with jetting.
4)I don't.
6) boyesens are an excellent replacement.
We swapped out our 9 tooth drivers for the Mountain Viper 8 tooth, a few years back The power and torque differance is amazing. Top end is lower but actuall fuel economy is nearly the same. Yes, you should have all 4 drivers. Easy swap if you have some patiance and a press. If not I recommend buying a Mountian Viper axle shaft with drivers. Al
you can fit the 1.75 lug track with 9 tooth drivers. You will need to remove the heat exchanger protectors and those are welded on a viper so you have to carefully cut the welds with a die grinder and cut off wheel. Also remove the tunnel protectors. When you go to 8 tooth drivers you will do a few things to the sled which are not real good.
1.) you bend the track tighter around the radius of the drivers which increases friction and slows you down because it eats up power
2.) you gear the sled down because of the smaller diamter the sled will lose upper mid range and top speed,quite a bit, so youd need to also buy new chaincase sprockets unless you want it geared down for your application.
3.) your speedo will also be off( will read way faster then your going) because of the smaller drivers, so on a viper youll need to remove 1 tooth from the reluctor wheel sensor on the driveshaft.

SLP pipes are about the quietest out for for the triple pipes, only way to get it quieter with triples is to do the srx pipe conversion with stock srx muffler.

headlight covers are getting harder to find as the viper is getting old, sometimes you see them on ebay. Just so you know, they are illegal in new york, how i know is i got pulled over for them by the cops on sleds in western new york, they made me remove them and gave me a warning,so just a FYI.

boysen reeds are ok, as are the stock yamaha reeds, they perform quite well and are cheap.
using your viper as a example heres the stock gearing with 9 tooth drivers. Your viper has 22/38 gears in it stock which is a .1.73 ratio, just going to 8 tooth drivers with the same 22/38 gears in the chaincase you would then be geared at a 1.94 ratio, which is a big differance.
That kind of gearing is better suited to 500ft long racing,where your not gonna worry about mid range and top speed but it also will cut down your road riding and long field riding speeds by alot!
It all comes down to what you do with your sled but I just wanted to point out a few of the things that will change for sure with going to a 8 tooth driver.
Thanks guys! I looked under it and I don't have any heat exchanger protection. I already have the rear cooler as well. If I leave the stock driver on it looks like it will be close. I might have .100 clearance. Looks like I'll stick with my pipes and I'm ordering the brake like and reeds. Today.
ya, it will be close but it does work I have done it several times. You can always trim the track slightly with a brand new razor blade, i actually found that it will pick up a fair amount of speed cutting a 1.75 lug down to around a 1 5/8" lug, plus the track worked better because the 1.75 lug track has a thicker base and the lug deflects less moving more snow.
1.75 wont fit if studded. Need 8 tooth if running studs. My 8 tooth set up is 38 bottom and 24 top to get close to stock ratio. Sled hits a brick wall at 98mph but gets there quick with good hook-up. My opinion on reeds is to stick with stock unless they need replacing. My sled also has slps and they are waaaaay quieter than other pipes. Hope this helps. Pretty sure wahl bros sells the drivers you need.
they need replacing. air box has oil and gas residue in it. I fired it up on the stand and you can see some vapors coming out when I whack it. I was just going with the replacement pedestals. I am going to try it with the stock drivers for now.... and no studs for me on this one.
I am also going to try and make some kind of a adapter to put a rx1 seat on. Looks cool on the sled. I'll see what I can do.
Better cooling and removable domes. Look into srx heads there's info on here on installing them on the viper.
they need replacing. air box has oil and gas residue in it. I fired it up on the stand and you can see some vapors coming out when I whack it. I was just going with the replacement pedestals. I am going to try it with the stock drivers for now.... and no studs for me on this one.[/QUOTE

all 2 strokes cough back a little bit, under normal operation a fine mist is will be observed.
I always had some it just looked more this year. I may just hold off and see how they are after I get out more.
