Snowmobile Trail Safety/Drinking Project (need insight)


Jun 27, 2013
Cambridge, WI
So I'm just in need of some opinions. I am currently in school in Madison, WI for Graphic Design. I'm near the end of the program. Anyway, for one of my classes I'm doing a project and have chosen to make a (fake) event or organization for awareness of particularly local snowmobile trail safety and drinking (southern WI). Basically I need to create a website and some design pieces including a logo for this cause/event. Does anyone have any info or things to offer me to help me create this? I chose this particularly because its certainly a problem and I see it every year. Every trail goes to bars as you all know and I see many people get on a sled coming out of the bar a little tipsy, as they fly away to the next bar or home possibly hurting themselves or some other person on the trail. Also I know of some guys that have gone out on thin ice and fallen through because they were stupid going out while it was so thin and trying to "waterskip" or mess around on the ice. So, these things and others could be addressed with the cause. Any help or thoughts would be helpful!



It is a problem, and the main reason I quit trail riding many years ago. Too many close calls and one bad incident.

Here's a link to 2012-2013 WI DNR snowmobile safety and enforcement report if you need statistical data. Alcohol was involved in 65% of fatalities, and 70% of accidents overall.

Can't help you with the logo, found this image though.

People are gonna wipe out no matter what. I bet the majority of the alcohol related incidents would have still happened if they were sober. Some people are just predispositioned to take out trees.
I'm an ambulance/fire dispatcher. I wish people would be more careful but that's never the case.
I'm just glad people have cell phones with gps now. Nothing worse than cell phone call from someone in the middle of the bush with no clue where they are.
