Would anyone know of a good plastic adhesive that will NOT discolor or blemish the plastic lens covers on the dash. I need to install an extra gauge on my SRX dash and have been warned that the vapors from some adhesives can degrade the plastic face of the gauges. Looked at some glues/adhesives in the hardware section today but most have disclaimers regarding plastics (poly this and that). Anyone with experience on this topic? Any and help greatly appreciated as I definitely DON'T want to make a mistake here!
New member
clear silicone?
Are you looking to glue a gauge in place?They come with a retainer to hold them in.If you don't have room for the retainer then I'd also say clear silicone.
Thanks for the reply's! 4BBL, the gauge I want to use has a "tapered" housing and "tapered" ring clamp as well which makes it next to impossible to mount correctly, and securely, to the gauge pod hence the reason for wanting to "glue" the gauge on. There was a thread on here years ago warning of destroying the lens due to the vapors from certain adhesives so I'm still looking...
Got ya,well good luck.I couldn't think of any right off the top of my head last night.If you do find something that won't distort plastic clean the crap out of your mounting area,scrub it with a good detergent light sunlight to remove any oils or,if your like me and used Armour All,anything used to shine up plastic parts.Then if you have some use some rubbing alcohol to give it one last cleaning.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Start looking for something that doesnt have petroleum based products in it.