New member
hey guys! I have a 2002 SX Viper 700 and ever since i bought it a yellow warning light comes on and stays on! I have no idea what the problem is. I've read online that the yellow light comes on and stays on when the machine is low on fuel, oil, or coolant but ive topped everything up and the light still stays on. ive found a page that shows possible causes of the yellow light but i dont think its any of them. is there a sensor for the fuel tank thats maybe blown or something? any help would be greatly appreciated!! and also my handwarmers dont work, would this make the light come on?? Thanks!!
so does the gas level go up and down with useage?
if the handwarmers dont work then unhook them and hook up each one seprately as they are hooked in series and see which one is bad
if the handwarmers dont work then unhook them and hook up each one seprately as they are hooked in series and see which one is bad
New member
yes the gas level works so im guessing its because the handwarmers dont work. i havent looked at it yet this year because we have no snow yet but i cant remember if its the thumbwarmer that doesnt work or if its the handgrips. its one of the 2. ill have to check it out later today!
Check under the bar pad for unplugged wires. Did that one this fall myself.
New member
ok thanks! although i think i checked under the bar pad last year but ill check again!