grip cork


VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 2, 2013
Anyone do this to their proaction sled? I hear they really help keep aluminum bars from soaking up all the heat....but what about steel bars?

i did it to my sxr700 with stock bars. haven't gotten to try it but when i did a side by side comparison corked and not corked in 5c weather i noticed a difference with it just running in the garage
i did it to my sxr700 with stock bars. haven't gotten to try it but when i did a side by side comparison corked and not corked in 5c weather i noticed a difference with it just running in the garage

I don't suppose you could provide a link to the cork you used?
I got a roll at Michaels,it's a store that sells crafts stuff,and I believe it's 1/16th but if you can get 1/32 get it because it'll be easier to get the grip back on with the thinner cork.
Guys that have done this. .. how well does it work?
Wrap the cork on the bar tight with electrical tape, leaving a gap between each wrap, if you get the spacing right the grip will just slide over the cork with some soap and water but won't twist once the water drys.
