New member
Yes I am asking this question, will they work? Is it worth the big hole in you're hood? Can I expect +25 hp out of these pipes? Or should I quit being a cheapskate and buy proper pipes?
betheviper did this but i think he used srx jugs on that sled or had custom flanges made to make them fit. easyest way would be to use a set of aftermarket pipes.
There is a build thread on that sled and a couple others similar, a search should come up with them, they had good pics also of all the work involved
Never been involved in this kind of swap but from what I've read on the topic it's quite involved and unless your equipped with a mig welder and the other machinist paraphernalia you'd be further ahead to just buy the Viper pipes and jetting and be done with it.

The srx pipes get you good hp and gas mileage. Something the after market pipes don't combine. Plus they're quiet and look factory when done right so no noise police problems. You need some fabrication abilities and a 2001 srx cdi
New member
Thanks for all the responses, now I just gotta decide if I have more time or $
Stagg made a pretty good argument for the SRX pipes,they give better gas mileage than the AM ones.That was the only real drawback I saw from piping a Viper,the gas mileage went down the crapper.
My piped viper EATS the fuel. I almost sold my slps and bought a set of srx pipes i found for 75$. Id like to see dyno results or something to see what kind of gains the viper gets with the yammi pipes!
My piped viper EATS the fuel. I almost sold my slps and bought a set of srx pipes i found for 75$. Id like to see dyno results or something to see what kind of gains the viper gets with the yammi pipes!
I have not done this...but...if I had a Viper and wanted to pipe it I would do the following.
-buy and install a set of Bender[would be my first choice as they run at a little lower RPM] or SLP Viper pipes
-buy and install used 2000/01/02 SRX carb rack[you need these years for the TPS] and you want all the stock SRX jets, needles, and carb slides
-install a 2001 SRX CDI for the proper safe timing curve
-pull the carb vent lines from air box and hang them like a SRX vent lines are stock
-install 155 main jets as a starting point
I think the above would be a good starting point and then of course you would need Premium fuel and start to dial in the proper main jet and clutching.
was going to try what slideshowbob stated up above but the slp pipes i dont like and the benders are just too loud for my taste. Next year i will just update to a 4 stroke and keep my aaen tripple pipes on my viper and get 8 miles to the gallon. Gas is cheap this year haha so what do you have to lose.