Alright guys,
I changed the jet from stock 01 to 148, 147, 147. Pilots to 42.5. Air at 1-1/8. Heres the issue. I now have a bog from nothing to handle bar. The only thing I can think of is I now starved the main and to much pilot. I was thinking of turning in the air screws to get rid of the bog but might just go back to either 40 pilots or back to main 150 148 148. with the 42.5 pilots. Any other ideas please feel free in posting them. Thanks
I changed the jet from stock 01 to 148, 147, 147. Pilots to 42.5. Air at 1-1/8. Heres the issue. I now have a bog from nothing to handle bar. The only thing I can think of is I now starved the main and to much pilot. I was thinking of turning in the air screws to get rid of the bog but might just go back to either 40 pilots or back to main 150 148 148. with the 42.5 pilots. Any other ideas please feel free in posting them. Thanks

I run 148.8/147.5/147.5 with 45 pilots.This keeps the DCS off my 02 SRX.My fuel screws are at 2 1/4 turns out.Always had a slight idle hang as well but never bogged on me when I punch the throttle.Check to see if your pilot jets are plugged up..
New member
Remember, you're dealing with fuel screws not air screws on these sleds. Also, like Blue stated, check and make sure your pilots are clean.
SeX Viper
Double check to make sure you hooked up the breather to the airbox. I don't know how many times I have read that and thought what an idiot. Last year after I cleaned my carbs I went riding and was getting a bog, chalked it up to being 40 out that day. At the end of the day I opened the hood and now I am part of the club. Sled ran perfect after I hooked it back up.
Active member
richer mains and smaller on pilots and backed off fuel screws ? you should able to use that mains jetting with no problem. turn up your fuel screws or up pilots. also is airbox complete. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Double check to make sure you hooked up the breather to the airbox. I don't know how many times I have read that and thought what an idiot. Last year after I cleaned my carbs I went riding and was getting a bog, chalked it up to being 40 out that day. At the end of the day I opened the hood and now I am part of the club. Sled ran perfect after I hooked it back up.
That would be true for a viper. SRX run down under the carbs. Thanks for the advice.
I run 148.8/147.5/147.5 with 45 pilots.This keeps the DCS off my 02 SRX.My fuel screws are at 2 1/4 turns out.Always had a slight idle hang as well but never bogged on me when I punch the throttle.Check to see if your pilot jets are plugged up..
Brand new pilots. also cleaned carbs and blown out with air. I will try and back out the fuel screws and see what that does. Have to wait til it gets colder. Thanks for the advice.
Okay i changed the fuel screws and still have a bog. My brother in law has the same jets at 1 1/4 2000 srx and no bog. Im going to clean carbs again but was thinking i should turn my screws in to lean it out to get rid of the bog. Bluemonster has his out to 2 1/4. I thought that would be to far out?

A bog when pinning it from a dead stop is generally from being lean on the pilot. Listen to yammiegod and richen your pilot circuit. I'd go to 45s
Active member
when you pull carbs to clean, are you cleaning screens under needle and seats. 3:16 (yammie tony)
when you pull carbs to clean, are you cleaning screens under needle and seats. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Yes I did do that this year. I will add the 45 pilots as soon as possible. Or I might just put the stock back in with the 42.5's. I was just worried about the jet backing out after 2 turns and loosing them. I remembered reading something that Mr. Viper had posted about that. Thanks for your guys help.