Im rebuilding an 85 phazer and i think i need to prime the oil pump before riding again? i assume after disconnecting the oil lines there will be a pocket of air in the when reconnected and that why the pump needs priming? i was told you can just use pre mix for the first maybe second tank of gas. is this the best way to do so?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
thank you.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
thank you.
bleed the pump before you put the carbs in or you wont be able to access the bleed screw. makes a bit of a mess if your not prepared with rags or such under the pump.
if your past that stage, use a few gallons in the tank at 100/1 and hold the oil pump cable up to wide open until your sure the lines are air free. i wouldnt run a full tank through if your certain the pump is oiling.
if your past that stage, use a few gallons in the tank at 100/1 and hold the oil pump cable up to wide open until your sure the lines are air free. i wouldnt run a full tank through if your certain the pump is oiling.