New guy just got a 2000 sxr700


New member
Dec 6, 2014
Hello everyone, I just purchased the above sled with a ton of kms (16000). Wondering what you thoughts are on this machine. It's clean, rebuilt motor and carbs, new chain case, track and studs as far as I can see. The front trailing arms look brand new as well. I have been a gm dealer mechanic for 20 yrs but I know nothing on sleds!
The last sled I had was 20years ago and it was a 1977 blizzard 7500plus.
Would like to know what to look for (p/m and repair) before the snow hits.
Thank youIMAG1089.jpg
Very good sled with arguably the toughest 2 cycle engine ever made. I have one with 15000 plus miles with the original crank. I've done the top end a couple times for maintenance. They ride a little rough, but handle good with very flat cornering. It'll ride awesome though compared to a 77 blizzard though lol
Welcome to the site.There's answers to just about every question you'll have about your sled here.The engines in those sleds are very nice,fuel efficient with trail friendly power.The rear suspension has had lots of criticism over the years for many faults,everything from stiff ride,lack of grease fittings and weak W Arms.If your going to stick with the factory skid then the best bang for your buck will be having the shocks revalved to your weight and riding style,this has been by far the one thing that guys have found to make the largest improvement in the ride of the sled.

The skid will also benefit from having some grease zerks added at key spots,the lower transfer rod mount has a bushing that would be a good spot for one,as well as the front W Arm mounts where it bolts to the two L shaped brackets on the rails.These 2 mounts have bushings and collars and I'd be willing to bet that the bushings are toast,especially if they've never been taken apart and serviced,and if you take the 2 L brackets and drill them for a grease fitting at least you'll be able to keep this high wear area lubed.
Bullet proof sled you have there. My friend's just broke 20000, all original. Mine broke 16 last winter, so a top end rebuild is on the list for next year. Look at betheviper's suspension set up, makes it feel like a whole new sled. One thing I would check is the reed stoppers, the original steel ones tend to crack with some miles. Both of my 700s (2000 and 2001 sxr) both had cracked stoppers. It isn't pretty when the come off and go through an engine. The replacement part is stainless steel and should not crack.
I for one love my SXR 700's. Many years, many smiles and miles. Yes, I have personallized several items. However, the best is swapping seats for a higher model. I have Boss Seats on all of our sleds. Next is the Ski's. The OEM GYTR are great on tight twisty trails, but for back country, check out some saddless Apex ski's Easy swap, better floatation. plus lighter weight. We get fairly good fuel milage, if you do a search for clutching, "Turks" clutch recomendations, really work great. Have a fun winter. Al
Had a good ride today, ran well. Me and two other guys went 300 miles. For you fellow Ontarians, we went from Keswick-oro station-Orillia-coldwater-midland-penetanguishene-perkinsfield-elmvale-Midhurst-oro station-Keswick.
my back hurts!
You can prity much garantee a crack in the w arm at those Kms, I run an srx and it's got over 14000kms on the motor and never rebuilt or ringed and still runs 120psi across the 3 of em, when the trail gets rough I just stand up and I gain over 14" of suspension travel so the suspension sacrifice for everything else doesn't bother me too much, enjoy your sled bud
I just swapped my pro action for a 136 monoshock and it made a huge difference in the ride and it is not setup properly yet. I feel when I get the shock rebuilt and get everything setup properly it will be even better. I did do the BETHEVIPER setup on my pro action and that made a big difference on that too. It was a lot better than before I did that. I would highly recommend the monoshock for a summer project. There are a lot of other skids out there that are probably better but I wanted to keep mine a Yamaha. Just my opinion.
I'm terrified of changing my skid because I would die a little bit inside of I lost any top end or handling, I don't even like the viper trailing arms I've got on my srx because the sled is a little too tippy unless I hang off it like my r6 and even then she comes up once in a blue moon during a flying corner, reason those arms are on there is because the last owner distorted this sled along with the left arm, my brother didn't have any srx pairs cuz the right was wowed aswell, anyways what skid would do this sled true justice?
From what I've found in searches I don't think you lose any top end with the mono. I actually think I gained top end and the handling is better, I think. I think it is only going to get better when I get the skid dialed in. I went from a 121 to a 136 but I went from a 1 1/4" ripsaw with a ton of studs to a 1" hacksaw with no studs so that is probably why I gained top end. I will see next year when I get the hacksaw studded if it drops but if you stay with a 121 it seems you would not lose any top end. Not bouncing through the corners by itself helps handling. Again just my opinion. I am sure someone with more knowledge could help you out better.
You speak a good point, just two days ago I was coming around a turn hanging off as usual and there it was.... One hell of a bump mid turn, when you gotta stand 6" above the machine whyle hanging off and you drop "I swear it was as big as my girlfreinds Ford escort and a minimum of a foot deep" and as you come up your feet come off the boards and your hands alone are piloting a flying snowmobile that's barely touching the ground if that, it's time for some suspension talk loool I was doing at least 80 around that turn with the track slightly stepped out as I came through, what a rush boys, I past the rev xp that was trying to stay up front, what mono shock are you running in your sled bud? How's the hook up and transfer? And how high does the machine sit?
I believe the skid was out of an 08 apex ltx. I think it hooks up as good as my pro action did and it still needs to be fine tuned. I had my pro action hooking up as good as it could I believe. I measured 21 1/4" to the bottom of the tail light and about 19" with me sitting on it. If I ever get another sled with the pro action the mono upgrade would be first on my list of things to do. Here is a link to a thread about me getting bucked off my pro action. IMG_20150302_161147099_HDR[1].jpg
