New member
My srx is idling really high at 4000rpm. Last year it wasn't doing this. I haven't cleaned the carbs yet....I plan on doing this soon as the snow will start flyin again shortly.
I'm not sure why it's idling high, my guess would be that the carbs need cleaning but not sure...will blocked passages cause a high idle or lean condition? Is this also referred to as an "idle hang"?
Thanks for any help guys!
I'm not sure why it's idling high, my guess would be that the carbs need cleaning but not sure...will blocked passages cause a high idle or lean condition? Is this also referred to as an "idle hang"?
Thanks for any help guys!
Cleaning the carbs would be the first place to start so I'd say your on the right track,but I wouldn't run it too much like that especially if you do have a blocked passage causing it to run lean.
New member
I just started it for the first time and that's what it does....I haven't been riding yet. No snow

Active member
Yup, sounds like clogged pilots.
New member
I also don't fog it the way most guys do...I just pull up on the oil cable for a few mins...not sure if that has something to do with it either.
New member
I tried adjusting the idle, but that didn't do anything...
Try the idle real low. Mine is set at 1400 I think.
New member
I turned the idle a few turns each way and it still stayed at I just shut it off and left it.
Clean those carbs and all will be well again. Blockage in the pilot jets. Bet the choke makes it idle down when its on, but it idles back up when you turn it off?
Try the idle real low. Mine is set at 1400 I think.
^^^x2 My viper is set at 1200rpm. Got the idle hang once I triple piped my viper and would hang around 4300rpm. I had my idle at 1800rpm and went to 1200rpm til it finally quit the hang.
New member
Ok guys, Gona clean them carbs tonight and then I'll let yas know...
Reset or turn out the fuel/air screws. If the fuel/air screws are not turned out far enough, not enough fuel is getting to the engine causing a lean condition resulting In the dreaded high idle. Off idle throttle response is controlled by the fuel/air screw and the engine should be nice and crisp if the screw is set properly.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Have you sprayed the seals & gaskets w/carb clean while running. Listen for a "tone" change while spraying anyplace that could suck air.
New member
No I haven't, Gona start with a good carb clean and then go from there...
Active member
No I haven't, Gona start with a good carb clean and then go from there...
Sounds like a good plan
New member
All 3 pilots were clogged...definitely couldn't see through them at all! Fuel screws were all 1.5 turns out.
New member
So Im going to put the carbs back in tomorrow, I'm just wondering if this is a good trail setup...
147.5 & 148.8 mains
42.5 pilots
Fuel screws turned out 1.5
Jet needles set at 3
147.5 & 148.8 mains
42.5 pilots
Fuel screws turned out 1.5
Jet needles set at 3
New member
Ok, put carbs back in and fired it up. Idles like it should at around 1800...clutch engages at 37-3800rpm.
But when I hit the throttle it won't return to sits around 21-2200rpm. The idle adjuster is backed all the way off too....I'll hit the choke quick and it drops back below 1000 and then gets back to 1800...sits there for about 30secs then goes back up to 21-2200rpm. I think something might be sticking somewhere but not sure...any thoughts guys? Could it be the warmer weather? It's about +3 out right now...
But when I hit the throttle it won't return to sits around 21-2200rpm. The idle adjuster is backed all the way off too....I'll hit the choke quick and it drops back below 1000 and then gets back to 1800...sits there for about 30secs then goes back up to 21-2200rpm. I think something might be sticking somewhere but not sure...any thoughts guys? Could it be the warmer weather? It's about +3 out right now...

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go to a 45 pilot jets then,and keep idle adjustment slightly lower then 1800 and it should stay.I also have fuel screws out 2 1/4 turns.
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New member
Found the problem, I have a 2" riser on with stock throttle cable and there was a bit of stress on the cable. Took stress off cable and now it's all good . Holds steady at 1800! Right on the money! Gona try a viper mountain throttle cable...they are longer.