Stock 01' SRX 700 looking for advice...


New member
Nov 18, 2014
United States
Hey All,

Long time follower, first time to post. I purchased my Father's 2001 SRX 700 with around 5400 miles on it and now it has well over 9K. I absolutely love the sled want nothing more than to ride it for as long as I possibly can. I do have a couple of questions regarding the overall setup to make it more efficient without breaking the bank.

In north central IL you have to take advantage of the snow you get, so when it snows, we goes! That being said, I want to make this sled last as long as possible, and feel that after reading the tech section know there are a couple different setups I could be running to get more out of my gearing/clutching for my rider weight.

Unfortunately, with the desk job comes the weight...I'm right around the 240 lbs. range and have read that most stock sleds are geared for speeds they may never reach. We normally ride ditches in IL and then get off in the deep stuff up in the U.P. on our trips and I am looking for a setup that might be a little better for deep snow ditch riding and U.P. riding.

I have heard a lot about the clutching and think that might be the first place to start but with my weight being what it is should I drop a tooth on the small gear or just focus on my clutching.

The motor is completely stock on this sled and the only upgrade is a Camoplast Carve track added 3 yrs. ago.


Deep snow ditch banging and U.P. riding are one extreme to the other. Think about what you do the most and set it up for that.
