engine shakes at idle, smoothes out at higher rpms, is this normal?


Active member
Dec 26, 2011
Central Wisconsin
I noticed on my 2000 srx that the engine shakes at idle but smoothes out when you bring the rpms up. Here is a video of it
look for broken engine mounts. i wouldn't worry though, my sxr shakes like that if its idling too low. its fine once i bring it up to about 2 thousand... i would say its normal.
Quite the movement there! By looking at that video, I would say something isn't right. Mine vibrates, but that looks like it's rocking from side to side. Doesn't look right, just my opinion though. Not sure what would cause that...
The video quality kinda sucks, lol, it does make it look like its rocking side to side but actually it's just shaking. I need a better camera!! ha ha
First thing I would check is the run out on the crank with a dial indicator.Not saying I see anything wrong but if the moter mounts are all good and it is in tune there is nothing else to look at.
First thing I would check is the run out on the crank with a dial indicator.Not saying I see anything wrong but if the moter mounts are all good and it is in tune there is nothing else to look at.

If there was something wrong with the crank wouldn't it shake at any rpm?
When my 98 had to go back for recall it ran fine but you could see the clutch wabble at idle.I don't remember the runout tolerance .If you grab the moter and try to move it around does it feel tight?I have replaced moter mounts that have gone soft but I used to race it on ice every year.
Actually....it almost looked like there was a slight wabble to the clutch at idle but looks better after the rpms go up. I'll have to get a dial indicator so I can check the crank.
Quite the movement there! By looking at that video, I would say something isn't right. Mine vibrates, but that looks like it's rocking from side to side. Doesn't look right, just my opinion though. Not sure what would cause that...

Agreed,to me that looks like way to much floating around by that engine,even taking into account a shaky camera.If I'm not mistaken the allowable runout for the crank is like 4 thou but it's hard to say if that's what's causing your engine movement.That certainly looks like it could very well be a deteriorated rubber in an engine mount,that would be the next place to check if the crank runout is within specs.
This sled has always had some vibration to it too, nothing too bad but you can kinda feel it in the handlebar and foot wells. Is there any certain type of dial indicator I need to use to check the runout?
Not sure is you have it but probably. Check that motor mount bolt that goes in sideways behind the driven clutch towards the front. Hex head I think or torx. I had mine back out.
A lot of clutches that seem to wobble will check out fine under a dial indicator. It's a bit of an illusion.
Did you check the steel part of the mount that bolts to motor. They can break and it sometimes is hard to see. Need to take the carbs off to see the rear ones. I have had them break on my prostock. I had to reinforce them. Not necessary on a stocker just put new on.
Looks like your power valves are pulsating somewhat (its hard to tell from that video). Pretty sure they aren't supposed to do that unless your idling below 900, or maybe the cables are too tight?
Looks like sled was in a boat with video and the cables were moving weird. Never really looked at mine but are they suppose to be moving all over the place when idling?
I think the camera is at fault here, like the op stated in 5th post. It must have recorded at a certain frame rate that made it look like the motor was slowly rocking back and forth. Funny to watch but not really possible if the mounts are good.
yeah, it's my crappy camera, almost makes it looks like everything is in slow motion. lol Nothing is rocking back and fort, it's just shaking.
