Engine rebuild hits another wall


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Well after many excuses and delays I finally get my cylinder back from being repaired and replated...... or so I thought.I pick up the cylinder not ten minutes ago from the shop that sent it away for me and bring it home to compare it to the other two. Wanna guess what I found,or should I say DIDN'T find? Yup you guessed it,they sent me a stock replacement instead of my ported SRX cylinder. Upon further examination the stamp on the back of the thing isn't there either,just a stock number from the repair place. I just couldn't believe it when I looked down the bore of that nice shiny cylinder and saw stock ports,I just can't catch a break with this rebuild.

The only bright side,and I say only,is that the shop owner said he can port this cylinder to match the others. So now I have to pay to have MORE machining work done than what I should've had to because of the other places screw up.

I'm not sure if this is kosher with Tom or not but I'll mention the repair places name only because they've continually had one excuse after another and then to top it off send the wrong cylinder back. CV Tech in Quebec is the place and I can almost guarantee that I'll NEVER use their services again.I live close enough to the US border that I have things sent to a parcel depot in a small city there to pick up and I will be using US Chrome or Millennium from now on.
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glad to see i was not the only one they messed up on. anyone asks, i tell them never to go there if they have a choice.
Have you checked with them to see if you can get your cylinder?
I have not personally,I'm hoping that the shop owner that SHOULD have stayed on top of this would follow up on this mess,but as it is right now he's supposed to be port matching the odd cylinder to match my other 2 so if he can do that then it'll get my engine back together and running sooner rather than wait for that outfit to find and fix my original one.But it's like Maim says unless I ABSOLUTELY have to I'll never use CV Tech again.
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I can't believe it! You sir have WAYYY more patience than me. There's no way I would let this go. I would investigate this through any avenue possible to have your original cylinder returned to you at their cost, NO EXCUSES. You had 3 matched cylinders, can this individual replicate the porting perfectly? Sorry for the rant but this kind of nonsense makes my head spin and I wish there was something I could do... other than advising others to NEVER use this company.
The local shop owner says he is very capable at porting work and has done quite a bit of it so rather than wait for who knows how long for CV Tech to get my original cylinder fixed and to me I'm going to go this route.But I gotta say that this is just about that very last straw for me,here it is December 23 and my sled isn't running yet,this time last year I already had both sleds on the snow a couple of times.Of course we still have no snow but that's besides the point,I'm just getting ready to head over town to the guys shop and see if he has the cylinder done,I was in this morning but he hadn't done it then but assured me he would have it this afternoon.

I live in a pretty small town and as you can imagine word and rumor gets around pretty fast and I hate to bad mouth the local shop owner but this whole situation is beyond the point of just sweeping it under the rug.I know he can't control what CV Tech does but in my own opinion he should have had this sorted out a LOOOOOOONG time ago.Seeings how he's had the cylinder since labour day weekend,there's been plenty of time for it to have been sent out and back numerous times and for CV Tech to send a stock cylinder back and think I wouldn't notice is just incomprehensible.
Well this soap opera just keeps getting better and better.I took a drive over town to the local shop to pick up my newly ported cylinder figuring it must be done by now,and as I should have guess the owner was gone and the cylinder wasn't touched.So I tell the 2 guys working there when he gets back I want to speak to him right F'ing then.He must have called the shop after I left because I just now got a phone call from him and he tells me he was talking to CV Tech and they found my cylinder,all fixed.IMAGINE THAT!!!! Anyway it's being sent out express mail and will be in my hands no later than next Monday,giving that Canada Post will be shut down for the next 3 days,and they are shipping it on their dime,not that I would have paid for it but at least they know they screwed up and are try to fix the situation.

My biggest relief is that I will at least have MY cylinder back and wont have to worry about a mismatched one.This going to take a few extra days but I believe I will finally this situation resolved.
good to hear.

it was brother that got screwd by them on a viper crank. i was paying for it for him at the time but basically they condemed the crank and stole all the good parts from it and sent us only the scrap parts back when we demanded our parts back.
I remember reading that thread now that you mention it.This experience has certainly left a bad taste in my mouth for that place,but I read an ad in OSM magazine about FAST in Manitoba and they are a Millenium dealer so if I have to have any cylinder work done again I'll be sending it there.
