Which one works better, Slidekick mounted behind the second idler wheel or the RSI idler adaptor kit.
I don't have reverse on my viper
I notice Yamaha had part number for a kit as well.
I don't have reverse on my viper
I notice Yamaha had part number for a kit as well.

VIP Member
I use the RSI ones and have no complaints. But I never used anything else, so I have nothing to compare to. But they do what they're supposed to. Keep the skid full of snow & throw it up on the running board heat exchangers.

Super Moderator
I have uses both. If you don't have reverse go with the RSI ones and biggie wheel adapter mount. The rai one throw a ton of snow.
I've got slide kicks on my wife's F7 and have had them left down for 3 seasons. Used to get a temp light quite often on that sled....haven't seen the temp light since slide kicks were installed....you can reverse your sled with sidekicks since they are a cable
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Has anyone used Icestorms? For rails..
or skis
or skis
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