SRX Warm Compression (Close call)


New member
Jan 24, 2009
Clarkston, MI
Ok got the SRX out today and was geting it ready for the season. Notticed it didn't sound right and looked over everything noticed that the oil tube had poped off at the oil pump that feeds the fuel pump. I think this might of happened while cleaning the carbs some how just before i Fired her. I only ran her mabe 2 min before shutting it down. I seemed hot of course the light never came on. Everything moves freely don't think I did any damage. The whole time it ran it seemed smoky like it would with oil. I did a compression test while the engine was still warm and I got 100 acrost the board. I just did a rebuild about 1000 miles ago W/ and SPI kit. just looking for feed back.
Ok got a closer look at it it wasen't the oil line. It was the larger line that connects to the case by the oil pump that connects to the fuel pump. What does that line do?
Yup thanks guys. Figured it out ended up replacing the vacume line as it stiff and thats why it probily poped off. It may have not even poped off when I did the carbs. It shouldn't of run with that disconected. Oh well. Did find my TORS isn't working though and untill I get it diagnossed it's bypassed. It runs and sounds fine now. Just my parnoia getting the best of me. Also rechecked compression as I fergot to do it with the throttle open. I got 105 acrost the board on 4 pulls.
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