SRX clutch dilema


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
This is copied from my other post. I need advice so I started this thread.....

OK, got the clutch parts and everything is exactly as ordered. I installed it this afternoon. Went really smooth except for 1 minor incident which i'll get into later. I did not check all the alignment or c to c or offset. I will do that maybe tomorrow, had another project to finish.
This is what was in clutches:
Weights said 89a 10 with both rivets(looks like someone used a vise to squish them, jaw marks)
G/W/G primary spring
helix said 8BV50 single stage looking
secondary spring I could find no color mark what-so-ever on it, all black, not even a trace. I didn't compare them do to other project
It was in hole 1 on sheave and 6 on helix.
I will look in the clutch setup chart to see if someone had this setup.

Heres the 1 mishap. I was in a hurry which I really wanted to take my time but with the holidays and other project and Mt.Dew flowing, I did something stupid and broke off a tiny piece of the movable sheave on primary. Just between the weights. Not the whole casting but a little webbing. To do this I used a small prybar with a magnet on it to install the weights and bushings all in 1 shot(doesn't work anyway) to speed things up. Once pin was started through bushing and halfway through weight, the phone rang and I jumped and slightly pried downward on weight and .......I didn't answer phone. Piece is about half the size of a pencil eraser. At first I thought the balance was gone so I fired up my scale and weighed it. 0 grams, .0 oz, 0 ml, ect. I used every unit my scale has and it was always said 0. I put the tab thing from a soda can on it and scale works fine. This is a very presice digital scale I use for making homemade fireworks. I thought drilling a hole on opposite side but didn't because piece weighs "nothing".
I dont know is this may cause a stress crack but I don't think so. That is my only concern. I can take a pic tomorrow if needed. Maybe I could smooth it a little(the edge of where piece was. JB weld it back on? Go on ebay and buy a used one? I think I am over worrying until i'm told otherwise.
I put new belt on and engages at 3950 with very gradual throttle and no vibration.
It has been raining here all day with a possibility of snow but storm track is very unpredictable. At 6pm, they said 5" on Wed and at 9 same channel said no snow or rain so who knows.
Please send feedback on what I did.


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This is copied from my other post. I need advice so I started this thread.....

OK, got the clutch parts and everything is exactly as ordered. I installed it this afternoon. Went really smooth except for 1 minor incident which i'll get into later. I did not check all the alignment or c to c or offset. I will do that maybe tomorrow, had another project to finish.
This is what was in clutches:
Weights said 89a 10 with both rivets(looks like someone used a vise to squish them, jaw marks)
G/W/G primary spring
helix said 8BV50 single stage looking
secondary spring I could find no color mark what-so-ever on it, all black, not even a trace. I didn't compare them do to other project
It was in hole 1 on sheave and 6 on helix.
I will look in the clutch setup chart to see if someone had this setup.

Heres the 1 mishap. I was in a hurry which I really wanted to take my time but with the holidays and other project and Mt.Dew flowing, I did something stupid and broke off a tiny piece of the movable sheave on primary. Just between the weights. Not the whole casting but a little webbing. To do this I used a small prybar with a magnet on it to install the weights and bushings all in 1 shot(doesn't work anyway) to speed things up. Once pin was started through bushing and halfway through weight, the phone rang and I jumped and slightly pried downward on weight and .......I didn't answer phone. Piece is about half the size of a pencil eraser. At first I thought the balance was gone so I fired up my scale and weighed it. 0 grams, .0 oz, 0 ml, ect. I used every unit my scale has and it was always said 0. I put the tab thing from a soda can on it and scale works fine. This is a very presice digital scale I use for making homemade fireworks. I thought drilling a hole on opposite side but didn't because piece weighs "nothing".
I dont know is this may cause a stress crack but I don't think so. That is my only concern. I can take a pic tomorrow if needed. Maybe I could smooth it a little(the edge of where piece was. JB weld it back on? Go on ebay and buy a used one? I think I am over worrying until i'm told otherwise.
I put new belt on and engages at 3950 with very gradual throttle and no vibration.
It has been raining here all day with a possibility of snow but storm track is very unpredictable. At 6pm, they said 5" on Wed and at 9 same channel said no snow or rain so who knows.
Please send feedback on what I did.
Some guys machine that spot out for heelclicker weights "anyway" so I think structurally your ok. I believe it allows for higher engagement rpm however, not relevant to you. I would take it to a machine shop and get that same spot machined out even on all three sides. This way you won't effect the balance because they can keep track of how much material they remove. I wouldn't put the peice back on because if it broke off again you could have a real mess if it tangled up somewhere. Also, if there's a nice clean machined cut, it will resist cracking a lot better than what you've got there.
2cents hope this helps.
I dont think its out of balance but what about a very fine half-moon file and just smooth the rough surface? There is absolutley no vibration at 4000rpm. I haven't reved past that yet. (I think its spring here)
YAMMIEGOD, have you had this before?
What do you think of the weird setup before? It seemed to ride fine but looks out of wack. What do you think someone was trying to set this thing up for?
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Hey, check out the post "are these heelclickers?". Instead of machining that area, he just snapped them off with a pliers or something. (Its a link to an ebay ad).
I don't feel so bad now.
Some guys just use a die grinder or dremel and hog it out by hand just be careful
Been there, the P.O of my sled dropped the clutch and bent the thin metal near the outside, my glove caught it one day and snapped it off. Worried about balance too, I took a dermal and made the chipped area into the smallest square cut possible so I could replicate it. I then measures size and location and cut it into the other 2 sides. Sleds been rode 6000 km since I cut it out, so no balance issues. I can take a picture if you want.
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I think I might buy a spare just in case. I will still try a fine half moon file anyway.

I bet it would be cheaper to fix yours than to buy another one. Your lookin at 175$ minimum for a decent used clutch plus shipping. A good machinist could buzz that off in half an hour. I work in a machine shop that employs over 300 people and our shop rate here is about 85$ an hour. I bet it would cost around 60$ to machine. Then your all set! Or hog it out like Roy said by hand and be careful. Then run That beast! If your really still worried then you can take it to get precision balanced just google a place in your area. I got a quote recently for both clutches 140$ still cheaper than a clutch.
I agree but I cant just grind off opposite side because its one of the 3 weight areas. I would have to do the other 2 or just leave it alone. oh I just reread your post so you did all three to. I dont think its out of balance, just worried about a crack forming.
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I would use a dremel, or die grinder, with a sanding drum attachment and carefully smooth out the broken area to help prevent cracks from starting.
If you are concerned about the clutch being out of balance, use the dremel or a die grinder and duplicate the cutout on the other two weight locations.
