i came across a phazer for sale and it was advertised with a cold air kit (very rare). after a bit of research i wanted one! and i found that they were indeed rare. does anybody have one of these for sale or know of one forsale online. has anybody ever made a custom one? if so how did you go about it.
Any info on this product would be greatly appreciated
Any info on this product would be greatly appreciated
I have a brand new Bender cold air kit in the box. $125.00 plus shipping. Jeff Wurl
New member
how about posting some pics of the components?I have a brand new Bender cold air kit in the box. $125.00 plus shipping. Jeff Wurl
can you post a picture of it
http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=52647&d=1384573867 I believe this is a pic of someone's kit on this sight
I am not on here very often. Yes, the kit I have is the one pictured. Jeff Wurl jwurl@triad.rr.com