SRX ohlin shocks


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Is their a way to get them sent out and made longer? Id like to get them revalved but I need longer front shocks since I long traveled my Sled.... Its that or switch for Viper shocks. Kind of looking for the cheapest but better alternative...
I believe you can buy extenders for them,seems like I came across that last season.Others can chime in on this as well.You can also flip the front shock brackets and mount to opposite side.You can gain about an inch that way.There should be a write up on this in the Tech section I think..check it out
Get a set of viper shocks. Not only are they longer, they have a longer stroke ( travel). I really lucked out and scored a set of Viper spec Ohlins.

I might still have a nice set of Viper fronts. I will look for them.
Shock extensions can be bought from Pioneer performance but the easiest way to gain length with the stock Ohlins is like Blue said,flip and swap your shock mounts. If you do this you'll have to grind a little out of the bracket in one spot and add a washer under the bottom bolt for the bracket to sit flat.
Its a better deal to sell the SRX Ohlins and buy Viper shocks . I am not telling you this because I have a spare set. It's a better setup. Lookup a guy on this forum named BETHEVIPER. I believe he sells the proper Viper mounts. You will thanks me.
I already flipped my brackets, but its still not high enough, I have the rear suspension pretty high cause I have drop brackets on the rear bolt on the skid. But ill definitely look for viper shocks around ... or a bracket, I was just hoping to keep ohlin shocks ....
