98 srx VS 06 Apex


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
I did mrvipers clutch setup, getting suspension dialed in front and rear, stock motor. No idea what Apex has done to it but know owner and he knows his stuff. We probably will never meet up on trails but how bad would he take me?
Either way someone is going to see Yamaha snow flap lol

Make sure you take a video and post it

Both clutched and geared right I'll say the Apex will edge you out from start to finish!
I've known him for 25+ years. I used to babysit his kids(weird, now they have kids). He was all into wildcats, this is back in the later 80's. He owns an auto repair shop. I recently started talking to him again on phone and started talking sleds. He said with all his wildcats over the years, he never beat an SRX. I keep hinting that I have some secret weapon under the hood.(with MrVipers clutching I think I do, damn that thing goes now) I am guessing his is stock but only a guess. He said the only way he'd see my snowflap is if he forgot to start his. Then I made a joke about him not getting any younger. I would love to see the look on his face if I beat him but doubt a race would even happen and if it did, I would expect to see a blizzard of snow in front of me. Just what if.........I gotta egg him on slightly to see if this goes anywhere. If this were to happen, I would buy a helmet cam.
Talked to him the other night and his is stock. He also said the only way he would see my snowflap is if he tapes a pic of it on his dash! This might happen soon.
I have an 02 srx and an 07 apex. The srx is clutched like yours and the apex has some clutching and gearing. The apex will get the srx out of the hole but the srx passes it by on the big end.
I have an 06 Attak, heelclicker in the primary and heelclicker roller secondary, 136 x 2" paddle track the rest stock ran my buddies 98 SRX, Mr Viper trail ported with a different helix in the secondary the rest stock. Smoke him till 85 - 90 and guess who is right next to me for the long haul ! Going way to fast ( on gravel road ) for my liking with driveways and so on, we both felt we beat the other. Good race. Dont count the SRX out of any race. He was the KING of the 800 CAT, 02 SRX stock, 01 SRX stock and 01 SXr piped. Not even close, even with my 280 lb *** on it ! Pulls the left ski about 6" at 35 MPH and wow does it rock from there. WAY FUN !
I talked with him lately. Hes got it for sale and its a 07. Craps on that idea. I can't even get anyone to race my John Deere.
He wants like $6000 for it, I thought thats high. It has 2700 miles.
