srx trail ported target rpm


VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 2, 2013
What rpm should a trail ported srx be clutched to run?
ask who did the porting as to what it should be set up to run at and for your jetting specs,etc.
ask who did the porting as to what it should be set up to run at and for your jetting specs,etc.

Actually I believe you did the work. I bought it from a fella in mi last year. It's an 01. I believe I have your set up sheet. I'm on my way back from the up and couldn't remember if the sheet had any comments about rpm. I think he had it geared at 22/38. I added reverse and I think the gears are 22/39, i will have to confirm when I get home.

Its been since last March since I've ridden it, but it had seemed to have lost some pep. I noticed it was running at 8800/8900ish. Thought that seemed a bit high and maybe out of the power band, but wasn't sure with it being ported.
if you have the set up sheet all the information is right on there, it will tell you shift/peak rpm, jetting and a basic clutch set up, if its running at 8800-8900rpm its not set up right and you need to see whats in it for clutching, the 1 tooth down on top will raise rpm slightly but not 8800-8900rpm.

also if you have 22/39 that will raise rpm... your gonna need to work on clutching it, would need more weight in the front clutch , anything over 8750 and its retarding the ign timing and it will feel really flat....
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Ok. I will get all the info and post it in a day or two.

I believe I have a 23 to put on top if needed. I'm rather certain it was a 22/38 before I put in the reverse... but I can't remember what rpm it was turning. ..obviously less than 8750 because it definitely had much more power before. 22/38 is .5789. I believe I am at 22/39, which is .5641, now with reverse, running over 8800rpm. A 23/39 is .5897... any predictions where the 23/39 will put my rpms. Btw. ...1.5 track with a mono skid. I new something was up when I lined up to a stock srx with an m10 and it pulled me pretty good.
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I had no idea timing was retarded at 8750. Thanks for that valuable info.
I have no idea whos sled you have, or records of what they would have had in the clutchs. So... when you get home, pm me with whats in the clutchs and we can set it up so it runs correctly. I ask guys what parts they have on hand and try to help them use thier parts in a combo that best suits thier riding style, what actual parts they have and how its installed usually varies by miles.....
