98 SRX700 first test of sled not good.


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
We FINALLY got just enough snow for me to test this thing out for the first time this season. Suspension wise is better. I think a little more weight on skis would be good. Back actually squats a little when flooring it but still spins track. On road with maybe an inch of hardpack. I think it wants to lift skis because steering gets very light and unresponsive but doesn't dart upon deceleration. Bars a little to left when going straight. Clutching is great. Didn't look at tach but seems perfect. Didn't blow up clutch and no vibration.
The bad:
This has been happening for a few weeks now pulling in and out of garage. I thought it was dampness or warm temps. I am not the brightest crayon in box but seems like a TORS issue. Just like that video(I wish it was longer so I could hear it better). But mine never died. Heres what is happening: Fire it up like usual, warm it for a minute or 2(It came out of a heated garage). Started testing handling and what-not, let up on throttle and motor sounds like its cutting out and if I give gas, it sounds like a rev limiter at 2500rpm and smoke. Now if I let gas off all the way until it idles for a second, hit gas and almost fly off the back because I thought it would still be in "limp mode". Plugs had 5 mins on them and did this with old ones too. I also thought it was a bad plug cap like the guy with video. I have no idea just how the tors works but that last 2 or 3 seconds of that video where he lets off gas sounds exactly like mine. I did carbs at end of last season for some reason. I do not think its carbs. I swear it fouls a plug and put on gas to bring it up driveway and put-put-put so I got off letting go of throttle to walk along side, sled idles normally for a second and I put gas on and sled almost flys into garage with me not on it. I will read the tors tech section. Its like throttle has to close for a second and then its fine. Let gas off even a little and it does it. I pulled it in garage. Plugs all perfect(barely have a color yet). Watched throttle switch, unplugged and replugged throttle switch. Looked under wirecover in center of handlebars. pushed a few connectors together. Parked it. I couldn't take kerosene smell anymore from heater from working on other sled and snowblower all day. I didn't change anything with what I did. Like I said, I don't even know if what I was looking at had anything to do with tors. With all that spitting and sputtering, it comes down to a perfect idle, does not die. If this makes any sense to anyone please respond. All I can say is it sounded exactly like that other members sled like the last 3 times it fires on the video. Other then that seems great. Love that clutching MrViper! I will probably taylor it a little depending what it does in a real life situation. Can't really test the downshift with this problem. This started suddenly maybe 2 weeks or so ago. Also I saw scotch loc looking things under handlebar wrap, maybe for warmers.

P.S. just made a video, let me figure out how to get it on here.
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Throttle cable is probably too tight, activating the TORS. Try loosening up the throttle cable some.
I never messed with it. I read the tors switch cleaning article. Is that what it sounds like to you? Did video work? There is slight play in cable. I hope its the switch. I have worked on this sled among others everyday for 6 weeks because we had no snow and finally get a little and now this. Other sled has issues too. Wildcat 700efi. Ran great at first but got worse and worse like loosing fuel psi. This is more important though.
I think it may be as simple as adjusting the TORS. Sounds exactly like mine when mine needed adjusting. Its been a while but IIRC the adjuster screw that kind of seems like a throttle adjustment (but isn't) on the carb has to be just right. This link might help too


edit: reading that pic from the service manual on that link... it doesn't talk about the adjustment screw I mentioned (the white plastic one next to the throttle cable), so maybe I'm confused. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/...g-with-my-sled?p=347080&viewfull=1#post347080

In any case, you can bypass the TORS to get it running for now. The two wires that connect to the carb, (not the coil ones, the other set), plug them into each other. That bypasses it. But make sure to get it working so your sled doesn't drive off by itself :)
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yep, after watching the video, its the tors switch. Throttle cable too tight...... loosen up the 10mmjam nut and thread the cable adjuster down, you need alot of slack, it will still open the throttle all the way, your problems will be over.
Yes, tors. Thats the good part.
Bad part: I couldn't sleep lastnight because of this so at midnight, in my PJ's I had to make the video. It was -3F. I had camera in left hand and tried to start with right. Gave it a yank and pulled a little harder then I thought it would so handle flew out of my hand and I dropped my new camera in the snow. By this time, I think I was at the first stage of frostbite but still determined. Got camera it was fine and shut it off. Started sled the correct way and let warm for a while, then made video. I just never experienced the tors activating and it sounded like that other guys but mine wouldn't die. The switch is bad. I could not get it to close on VOM even by pushing on it with finger so I ordered a new one. $30+shipping(oem).
Bypassed for now but that switch saved me a garage door. Mrviper, Thank you for guiding me with the clutching, its like I put 20 more hp on it. I lowered front skid shock 1 more notch too and set right ski a little to lessen toe out. Starting to ride very good now. I wish you knew clutching on my wildcat. I think I am going to make my own clutch kit for that myself. It will be similar to this one but slightly less rpm and a little higher engagment. I read so much on clutching and I still am not confident with myself on that.
P.S. went to pull srx in garage today and knot pulled through handle on first pull.
Only me.
Thank you for all the help.
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