does anybody know if someone makes somesort of foot rest covers or somthing that will add some grip for my feet on my phazer
Try this. Might be what you are looking for.
New member
If I was doing one again I'd either measure them up and then see if I could find a set of aftermarket boards/cut outs that would work or else I'd get a set of dimple dies and start drilling and making them pretty. Since you don't have to worry about any coolers under there you could get pretty creative.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Or for something easier. Seeings how those holes in the foot boards don't help with sh!t, install rivets facing up with washers/backers on them. That'll leave the bucked part of the rivet sticking up towards the bottom of your boots. Should add a little something to keep boots planted.
Active member
Yamaha sno grips?? I have some on my sxr and love them
check out wasatch rec products. your looking for part number ya-rb-ph8598-bk-1. i have installed several sets. dont let them mislead you on product availability, you may just have to wait for the next batch run.
you cant easily do much for the width, but there are a few options.
you cant easily do much for the width, but there are a few options.
VIP Member
i just stuck some bolts up threw all them holes where youre feet go,works
Backwoods M Max
New member
I have the wrp boards on my mountain max and they are awesome. The taper is right to fit all the sx chassis sleds. I had to modify them a little bit to fit around suspension brackets but that was it. I used one of those multi tool plunge cutters with a 6" joint knife between the board and cooler to cut the windows. Where the window isn't directly open the snow melts off the board much faster because of the direct contact with the snow.