2007 Attack Not Starting after trailering....


New member
Jan 4, 2015
United States
Just bought a 2007 Attak with 9,200 miles on it, got a Triton Elite open trailer with salt shield as part of the deal. This is my first wholly owned sled. Changed oil/filter, gear lube, hyfax, adjusted park brake, adjusted throttle cable (maybe a bit to tight), changed clutch side drive shaft bearing, aligned the track, greased everything i could.

It started and ran on demand no problem everytime while I was working on it.

Thursday Night: Took it up to Newberry, MI on the trailer with no cover. Got into some heavy snow between Gaylord and the bridge. Got to Newberry and pulled the sled off the trailer... She was hard to start. Took several tries... but she eventually ran but a little rough at first. Got dressed and went out for a 70 mile ride till 2:30 AM Friday. Ran fine. Parked sled in hotel parking lot, uncovered.

Friday Morning After sitting outside uncovered in single digit temps started right up. Ran great. Rode 150 miles. Shut the sled down and re-started her maybe 10+ times during the ride. No problems.

Friday Night/Saturday AM: Sled sat outside. Uncovered. Snowed about 1". Bitter Cold. Saturday AM about 9. Started up immediately no problem. Went out and rode for about 25 miles.

Saturday PM: Loaded sled onto trailer. Put on full cover. Drove about 5+ hours to Highland Michigan. Snowy conditions. For the last hour or so it was sleating, rainy, misty, wet and sloppy. Got home late. Left sled outside overnight with cover on (probably a bad idea, it rained and sleeted on and off all night, but I was tired and it was late).

Sunday AM: Pulled sled off of trailer. Would not start. Battery cranked strong. Would not start. Could not hear fuel pump running.

Sunday PM: Tried again. Still no start. Do not hear fuel pump running.

Monday PM: Pulled off fuel pump relay brought into house to dry out (but it didn't look wet and the contacts were clean).

Will re-install tonight (Tuesday) and re-try to start. Any ideas?

If TORS is activated or "malfunctioning" will it also keep engine form starting and not allow the fuel pump to be energized?
The TORS activated still allows the motor to start and run. You've likely solved your problem be heating and drying the relay. My 06 Attak did this in-25 several times. Once the relay was replaced with a superseded part, no more problems. The new relay is red in color.
