Riser Question

Pivot style or a spacer block? Not that the cable length is an issue, but a 3" straight block moves you back on the sled quite a bit because of the steering post angle.
If you want to go 6 inch riser, what would be the best cables to use? Without having a junction box
The powermadd brake hose is a nice unit. You will most likely have to lose the parking brake. That's the one cable that you can't get a longer version. I carry a Velcro quick wrap strap in my riser bag. If you want to go that high your really looking to ditch the stock bars. I have a rsi t post adapter with fly adjustable risers and 3" rise fly mini bend bars. Right now I have the risers at 6" for about 10" rise between the post and bars. I went through a bunch of different cables. I have a viper mtn cable run through the air box slit and my stock 02 mtn Max cables. I bought 2 viper mtn cables and they were both 1" shorter than my stock cable. IIRC the mtn Max cable was a 38.5" housing length.
The powermadd brake hose is a nice unit. You will most likely have to lose the parking brake. That's the one cable that you can't get a longer version. I carry a Velcro quick wrap strap in my riser bag. If you want to go that high your really looking to ditch the stock bars. I have a rsi t post adapter with fly adjustable risers and 3" rise fly mini bend bars. Right now I have the risers at 6" for about 10" rise between the post and bars. I went through a bunch of different cables. I have a viper mtn cable run through the air box slit and my stock 02 mtn Max cables. I bought 2 viper mtn cables and they were both 1" shorter than my stock cable. IIRC the mtn Max cable was a 38.5" housing length.

Ya on my sled I don't have a parking brake
I never used a riser. What does it help with because I am considering one. I dont want to tilt handlebars forward but when turned all the way, it gets very close to my knees.
A riser will allow you to ride while standing. If you use a block riser, you will lose some height as the bars will be closer to your chest as well as being higher. With a pivot adapter, you can have the bars higher and you can adjust the distance from you chest to your liking. Much better in my opinion. Add a seat riser or Boss seat and you have a much more comfortable riding position, and the ability to easily stand up for some moguls in the trail. Pre 2000 pro action sleds will need the steering shaft reinforced at the top, or risk breaking.
