I was just wondering what is so great about ohlins on a srx? Are regular ones that bad on these?
I wonder if I put the standard ones on mine if I would even notice. They look impressive but it has to be more then looks by all the posts about ohlins.
I wonder if I put the standard ones on mine if I would even notice. They look impressive but it has to be more then looks by all the posts about ohlins.
Yes, you would notice a difference!
That is one of the first upgrades I do to all my Yamaha's. I install them all the way around front and back. You can't beat them. My RX1 Warrior I am running Ohlins M10 with ohlin front ski shocks. My SRX I have Ohlins in the front. Used to have then in the rear but am now running an Expert X. There are 2 different front shocks that Ohlin made. The ones for SRX and the SX. The SRX have a slotted key adjustment on the resivour. The SX has a black plastic knob. They are valued different for the difference in weight between the 2 sleds.
Yeah, what are you suppose to do with that key? How do you know what its set at, count the threads showing?