Mikuni carb - thoughts on pictures?


VIP Member
Nov 22, 2013
Hi, I've got an 83 enticer 340TG with a low end bog. In going through the troubleshooting process (I've done everything other than a leakdown test so far), I noticed that the air pilot jet may be broken but I wanted to confirm before I messed something up trying to get it out. The yamaha parts diagram lists it as replaceable (part# 239-14172-10-00) so I'm guessing it should be threaded and have a slot for a flat screw driver to remove it, however I don't see that and it seems flush with the body of the carb (I've attached a picture). While reading I read some jets on some carb's are press fitted and can't be replaced and I'm wondering if anyone knows if a stock Mikuni for the 83 340 has a press fitted air jet or if I can replace the jet like the diagram shows (or just by looking at the picture if it looks broken)?

I've attached 3 pictures of my carb, and 1 picture of another carb I found on eBay for comparison. Can someone give me their thoughts on this air pilot jet and if its broken? The perspective on my picture isnt very good, its alot deeper than what it looks like.

picture1.jpgpicture2.jpg2014-02-15 14.49.54.jpgdiagram.jpgebayCarb.jpg

Here's a picture of the inside of the bowl, from what I can see it doesn't appear to be threaded from the back (red line is the tube for it). Based on this is it fair to assume that it's broken and not press fitted or would they have threaded version and a pressed one?

Yeah,I'd make an educated guess and say that jet is missing a piece of it,the one with the screw driver slot.I'm thinking someone tried to take it out once before and broke it off.
I need some advice now. I picked up the replacement air jet and its threaded like the eBay link showed so I attempted to get the old "broken" one out. I got it out with a screw extractor but from what I can tell it was press fitted in as I can't see any threads and it was just turning until i pulled a little on the extractor and it just came out. My Question is now what do I do? Can i just epoxy this threaded one in or should I try to tap the hole or find a replacement press fit one somehow? I had to drill the old one out a bit to get the extractor to bite so I can't re-use the one i got out. If I epoxy the threaded one in, does distance down the hole affect the air flow or just the diameter of the jet (if distance does where do I put it)? Any suggestions would be helpful. I've attached pictures of the old one on the extractor, the replacement I picked up beside the new one and the carb now. I ran the blunt end of a small drill bit in that hole and its smooth so I'm positive there aren't any threads.

Thanks for all your suggestions and help!
You should be OK. The air bleeds on the TM-33 flat slides is flush with the tip of the boss it threads into. Measure across the threads and the press in one with some calipers. Are the tips of the threads bigger than the press fit one? Is it close enough that it would "cut" as you thread it in? If you do go the epoxy route, use something like a jb weld so its moldable and won't run. If you used a 2 part liquid epoxy and it ran down into the carb before it set you'd be all done with that carb. Bottoming taps do exist, you could try and get one and thread it real easy just make sure all the metal cuttings got out.
It looks like the press one is smaller than the threaded one but only by the thread width (3.45mm vs 3.89mm). I did put it in just to see how it would fit and it sits on top of where it gets pressed in because of the threads. If I got a bottom tap, I think it would work but if I understood you right, I can just epoxy it flush with the outside like the TM-33 and it should be ok? I'm tempted to try epoxying or caulking it flush if you think that will be OK just in case i ever have to take it out for some reason (it would be easier when its flush vs down inside). If there's a problem with it being flush would I notice performance issues or would it just not start or something else? The whole reason I had the carb apart and noticed this is I'm fighting a low-end bog.

Thanks again for your advice!
Not that I could find. The only part number listed in the Yamaha parts list is threaded and just looking on the internet I can't find any other press ones for Mikuni like this. Unless you have any suggestions on where I might find one?
