Idle hang question

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Last year I was getting a bit of an idle hang. I've read it's fairly common in vipers. I am servicing the sled tonight and getting it ready for my first ride this weekend. After cleaning the carbs I was reinstalling them and noticed, when I went to hook up my choke cable, the choke lever on the mag carb wasn't returning all the way when letting off the choke. Almost like the return spring is wore out or maybe some corrosion on the little shaft there. If I give the choke switch a little push to help it, it will return all the way a stay there until turning the choke on again. Would this cause an idle hang? Thought I would post in case other guys are having idle hang issues. Maybe this could be another thing to check. Maybe it's just not sure!! Haha anyway, any insight is much obliged.

Snow is here Happy sledding !!
not really, a idle hang is from a lean condition, thats why you turn your fuel screws out more to eliminate it, makes it richer and engine returns to idle speed faster. Your problem will make it kinda sputter on mid range riding idf the choke is left open slightly in that cylinder, will show up as more of a gurgle sound in mid range. a 2 stroke likes lots of fuel down to low to accelarate and leaner as it goes up sorta till it gets wide open when moving max air volume it again needs more fuel.

you can lube up the plunger or remove it and see if the plunger is corroded or not, they are also adjustable by the set screw on the shaft. at one time i think it was back on the 97 sx red heads they offered differnt springs for the plungers as they were too weak, the spring could possibly be weak but likely it just needs cleaned and lubed up(plunger)
not really, a idle hang is from a lean condition, thats why you turn your fuel screws out more to eliminate it, makes it richer and engine returns to idle speed faster. Your problem will make it kinda sputter on mid range riding idf the choke is left open slightly in that cylinder, will show up as more of a gurgle sound in mid range. a 2 stroke likes lots of fuel down to low to accelarate and leaner as it goes up sorta till it gets wide open when moving max air volume it again needs more fuel.

you can lube up the plunger or remove it and see if the plunger is corroded or not, they are also adjustable by the set screw on the shaft. at one time i think it was back on the 97 sx red heads they offered differnt springs for the plungers as they were too weak, the spring could possibly be weak but likely it just needs cleaned and lubed up(plunger)

Ok cool. I set my screws out 2 1/4 from lightly seated. I'll try it there. Cleaned the carbs and the pilot circuts were pretty grodie! I have another question for you...I just noticed this sled has TPI adjustable air inlets. There are three and they are inside the airbox under the filter. They look stock I never even noticed them there. I ran the sled last season with them closed all the way...what would happen if I opened them? Just curious if I would gain some rpm. The sled is jetted to slp specs for the slp pipes but only revs 8600.
Not familiar with the TPI adjustables, assuming they work well will mean more air which will lean it out and make a little more hp, so you should see some more rpm's. I'd be very careful and read your plugs several times to ensure it doesn't make you run too lean.
Not familiar with the TPI adjustables, assuming they work well will mean more air which will lean it out and make a little more hp, so you should see some more rpm's. I'd be very careful and read your plugs several times to ensure it doesn't make you run too lean.

10/4 good call
