98 SRX vs 94 Wildcat 700EFI


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
I own both so just wondering. Same srx with my viper clutch setup. Wildcat bone stock(for now). Now I can tell srx would easily take it but got some clutch parts coming for wildcat. As of now, I'd have to give ride comfort to AC.
Run a 8dn20 set-up with 54-46 on srx she will hall. Should beat wildcat hands down.
My cat buddy has an early 90's wildcat and he has decided to no longer get it out at the same time I have any of my srx's out (even the 98 600) as he gets spanked pretty hard every time. He instead brings his "Franken~cat" its a 01 or 02 ZRT chassis with a 98 or 99 thundercat 1,000 motor. F.C. scared me pretty bad the first time, pretty much left me at the line.....and I mean LEFT ME! He has it tuned for grass drags and it is a bad mofo for 1,000ft and then I reel him back in on the big end.
I don't know. I finally got the cat running(only 2 months to figure it out lol)Main engine wiring harness was bad somewhere. Replaced it with one I got on ebay last year. I think the guy threw it in with some other part I bought. That cat shocked me off the line. I didn't do any speed runs but there good for 100, someone told me 110. It was dark so I was testing clutch setup(video is in off brand tech)I need someone with a good ear to tell me if its over reving. I know srx would take it top end but hard to say from a stop. The guy with the apex a post or 2 from here has like 3 wildcats and he told me he never beat a srx. Cat does good wheelies though but front skid shock is set very tight. Looks neat and fun but kills speed. Clutch specs are in off brand also. I gotta find someone to ride one for the race.
