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Alright i posted this one before a year ago but here it goes again, i ended up buying a bender racing roller rooster clutch from a guy i got some other parts for my sled from, didnt tell me any info on it just kinda tossed it in my car lol, can anyone explain to me what it is? Or the setup is?
New member
Alright i tore it apart, and found the numbers 47/43 on the helix, the spring is black, and the spring was in the 6 hole, now i understand that the first number is belt squeeze on takeoff and the second is for how fast it returns, will these be good trail numbers? Can anyone explain what the numbers mean as far as the 0,3,6,9 on top
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0,3,6,9 is the wrap. the spring nub goes in one # looks like its in 6 now and on the clutch itself it has 1,2,3 that where the other end of spring goes. for example 6 and 1 is 70. thats the wrap tension for the secondary to hang on the belt and help with shifting
New member
Alright, do you know what a good setup or start to the setup would be? I tore it apart it was i fact 6+1 is this a good place to start? I read some of the tuning for the clutches, the only thing i dont really understand the whole 70degree thing yet? Or why you would change to a different degree? Thanks
not 100% but I know increasing wrap will give u better backshift. all rollers are different. u can try searching bender roller and see what else comes up
New member
Alright sounds good i think the 70degree wrap is fairly high as it is from what i understand, thanks for the help
is the any dots on the spring green or silver?
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I will check tomorow when i get back home i cant remember i think it was silver, also are these setups safe with the stock primary? I cant really seem to figure out tuning the primary clutch.
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Just looked at the spring theres no markings on the spring its just black
maybe marking rubbed off I was told my hauck to use silver at 70 to 80 with there roller. u could also call bender and ask them
New member
Alright ill try this spring for now, will i be ok running with the stock primary? Or is it going to be worse than stock
Watch your rpms u want to be no more than 8500 on long runs
I looked into this before, u can probably tune ur primary to work with it but most reccomended a shallower helix than that when going to a roller. Problem is hard time finding parts for that style anymore so finding used helix is only option. I remember finding old posts around here somewhere if u do a search, believe Turk had some setups for the roller roosters.
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That helix works great in a 700srx. I have been running a roller rooster since 1999 on my srx7, they work awesome.
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Awesome! Are you still using stock primary? Went for my first ride today in vt, trails arent bad kinda bumpy, and finally snapped my 3year 3000 mile old belt

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No, it's a Bender stock SRX7 primary clutch kit under the #9870.
It's, Bender orange primary spring 55/135 with their 8mm spacer, 14.5 rollers, stock weights with 4.5 gram rivets in both holes. You have to use the spring & spacer because it is a pre 98 YXR clutch spring BUT you don't have to use this spring & spacer. Hauck makes an orange spring 55/135 that doesn't need the spacer, also Pioneer Performance makes a white spring but its 60/135 (take off rpm will be higher).
This is a great all-around set up with the roller rooster with the 47/43 helix and I use the green spring at 70 degree twist. You can putt around the woods at 20mph and then hit the lake and embarrass most sleds.
There are a lot of set ups that will work the same as above but I have used this since 99 and its the best for me.
You could probably use Mrvipers primary set up to start with and then make adjustments as needed.
It's, Bender orange primary spring 55/135 with their 8mm spacer, 14.5 rollers, stock weights with 4.5 gram rivets in both holes. You have to use the spring & spacer because it is a pre 98 YXR clutch spring BUT you don't have to use this spring & spacer. Hauck makes an orange spring 55/135 that doesn't need the spacer, also Pioneer Performance makes a white spring but its 60/135 (take off rpm will be higher).
This is a great all-around set up with the roller rooster with the 47/43 helix and I use the green spring at 70 degree twist. You can putt around the woods at 20mph and then hit the lake and embarrass most sleds.
There are a lot of set ups that will work the same as above but I have used this since 99 and its the best for me.
You could probably use Mrvipers primary set up to start with and then make adjustments as needed.
There ya go, sounds like slicker has done the testing already, his input would be best start being it is for that helix and Don't require investing much in other parts. Good luck
I have same helix, 47-43, and roller secondary. The spring is more than likely a silver. I too had to find out the hard way cuz the markings were rubbed off. Awesome you have one, they have great backshift
The numbers are always added together then multiplied by 10 like blevis213 had said 6+1=7x10=70 which is a good start. Good helix. From what I have read the best helix for that secondary is from ADVANT-EDGE and is a 48-40. Nothing wrong with the 47-43. For the primary I would go with, from what I have researched, loading the primary with 4.5g rivets in both holes and going with a New W-W-W spring if you are stock. IF w-w-w doesnt work for you try a y-w-y you are shooting for 8500rpm if you have a 00-02. There are shims inside the secondary, take out just enough shims so that the 2 faces of the secondary so they are about 0.010" (10 thou (thousandths) of an inch) from each other then adjust helix with the 4 allan bolts so that the helix contacts the rollers. Also make sure the clutches are 267-270mm (10.52-10.62 inches) from center to center of bolts in primary and secondary. There is a clutch alignment tool you can buy or use a measuring tape. Make sure the rollers are ok. Have fun and Get Rippin' Man

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Alright, wheres the best place to the rivets and other parts, kind of new to the clutching stuff, i was gonna throw it on tomorow with my stock primary and go for a spin but i hate to snap another 75$ belt, so ill probably just do it right off the start, and my sled is a 99, i noticed tonight i maxed around 8k rpm to the bar, pretty sure i have all stock clutching as well.
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The helix from Advant-edge (48/40) is not a roller helix it is for the stock button secondary, and works better in the Viper.