I lost spark and lights on my 99 srx 600. I eliminated the cdi cause I took it off and put it on my 98 and it ran. would it be the stator? any help would be appreciated! thanks
If the problem just appeared all of a sudden there's a couple of things that might be the culprit. Yes it could be the stator but before you shell out money for another check your wiring harness for spots where it might b chafed through and grounding out. Under the engine is the most common area for it to happen but it also will chafe by the cdi or even under the bar pad. It's a real pain but if it's chafed anywhere I'd be willing to bet it's under the engine. Pull the pipes and muffler off,unplug the hood section,reach under the cylinder exhaust pipes and pull the retainer tabs apart and pull the harness back through from where it goes down by the jackshaft under the engine. Unwrap the whole section and check each wire for bare wires or missing insulation. If they're bad enough splice new wire in but if not tape them up well and use something like split wire loom to protect it from happening again. Some guys will run the wire harness back along the coolant hoses rather than back under the engine,it's your choice but tying a piece of twine or small rope to the harness before you pull it out will help get it back under the engine again.
I went through this, Lost spark instantly over night. Try and get a reading off you stator first. You could also check to see if the flywheel is rusty. You can also tone out the wires going to and from the motor up to the handle bars checking key switch, kill switch, throttle and over to the CDI, Then from the CDI up to the headlight to check for a bad wire. Unplug the resister down by the CDI box that runs the lights.
Mine ended up being the stator and I had a bad Orange wire going to my coils. I changed Stator ,flywheel and coils and it runs great. Good luck
Mine ended up being the stator and I had a bad Orange wire going to my coils. I changed Stator ,flywheel and coils and it runs great. Good luck
Did it die while riding or wouldn't start after sitting? I had a stator that melted, and went through most everything before I got to that (which you want to do too, as taking the flywheel off is more involved than the easier things to rule out) here's the thread in case it helps http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/threads/76280-bog-rub-through Also the bad stator I had passed the multimeter test, so don't put 100% faith in that
well it sat all summer and I started it to do the yearly once over(clean carbs, etc) and it started but ran like crap wouldn't even move! than it just died completely! no spark or headlight when I pulled it. out of all 3 plugs coming out of stator I only have 4 pushing power out??
*4 wires
see if the flywheel is rusty
Well I finally got around to workin on it again and checked the flywheel for rust. had a couple spots and noticed the pickup coil was corroded. took emory paper to it all put it back together and bam had spark and it started!!! thanks for all your help!! love this forum!!!
Well I finally got around to workin on it again and checked the flywheel for rust. had a couple spots and noticed the pickup coil was corroded. took emory paper to it all put it back together and bam had spark and it started!!! thanks for all your help!! love this forum!!!
good, another one back on the trail, ride safe!