23/38 gearing. There was a 70 link in it, but I have a 68 link and to me the less bend in the chain the better. I found this post recently "The easy way to figure it out is gear teeth. 60 total teeth and under 68 links, 61 and over 70 links".
This picture is with a 68 link, finger tight then backed off 1/2 a turn.
This picture is with a 68 link, finger tight then backed off 1/2 a turn.

looks good, run it
Backwoods M Max
New member
Very low friction from the chain tensioner. You have 1/2 diameter wrap on both gears so the would be only the smallest chance of a chain jump. That setup would run very free. With a 70 link you would be shocked by the amount the chain rolls around the idler. My sled came back with a new 70 link with the 21/39 gearing and it was bad how much the chain wrapped around. The idler bearing was cracked and seized, which I have no doubt the wrong chain contributed to that.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Looks just about perfect. Just enough for the tensioner to do some work.